What is Semantic Search? How Does it Improve Search Accuracy?


The advent of semantic search has improved the accuracy of search as never before. In the past, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategists relied on research into keywords to boost the rankings of websites. While keyword research is still able to serve its own set functions but understanding the user’s intent via the semantic web has evolved into an essential element that every content marketer is adamant about.

Are you interested in learning more about this type of search, how it operates and the reason it plays such a crucial part in SEO in the present? Then dive in!

What is Semantic Search?

It is, in simplest terms it’s an approach to data-searching that aims to increase search accuracy and provide pertinent results, focusing in two elements: of user intention and context. It goes beyond looking up keywords and seeks to increase the chances of getting more customized and precise results. It employs Machine Learning techniques and deep learning models to discover and present contextual data.

How Does Semantic Search Work

Semantic search works by forming links between phrases and words that users type into an engine platform, and then interpreting the content in an way that is more “human” way. For instance, if you ask a colleague “What is your favorite book” and then follow up to “Who is it written by?” Your friend will recognize it is because “it” here refers to their most loved book. In the same way, semantic search tries to comprehend user queries in the same way human beings could. It interprets a query by analyzing a range of variables, including the history of user searches, the locations, numbers of keywords that match or spelling variations, for example.

Where is Semantic Search Used?

This type of search is widely utilized by search engines such as Google to enhance the processing of queries for search. It is used to understand content for data mining and contextual classification for Expertise-Authoritativeness-Trustworthiness evaluation. It is also used by organizations to improve their knowledge management capabilities and improve market visibility. Some other applications that are modern include:

  • Maintaining directories for businesses
  • Academic Archiving
  • Marketing campaigns
  • News tracking and analysis
  • Editing suite platforms

How to Implement Semantic Search

Effectively implementing semantic search requires that marketers match their content to the search phrase using the correct digital strategy. We’ve put together six ways that will aid marketers in implementing semantic searches throughout their strategy of digital media

  • Increase the length and the depth of the
  • Optimize for clusters of keywords
  • Include synonyms and related terms
  • Utilize structured data
  • Explore Content Optimizer Tools
  • Create Topic clusters on the web

Semantic Search Features

Semantic searches can be carried out effectively when the user’s intent context, meaning, and meaning are in line with the primary user query and produce relevant results. Even if there’s no exact match between words, this kind of search makes use of algorithms for vector search and ML to provide information that is targeted at the user’s search query.

Let’s have a look at the two main aspects of this type of search context: user intention.


It is essential to understand the context in the which the query of the user is made in order to comprehend what the user is trying discover. Search engines typically utilize context at both personal and the group level. Personal level refers to the individualization of results based on the user’s previous searches and interactions. On a larger scale this method allows search engines to show results based on how similar users respond to similar questions.

User Intent

Understanding the intent of the user is the foundation of semantic search. It helps search engines determine what exactly that the user is seeking. Deep learning improves the process by automatically creating additional features that precisely capture the intention of the search as well as the features of the website.

How Does Semantic Search Impact SEO

In recent years there have been some major changes to SEO methods in relation to Google algorithms such as Penguin as well as Panda. In the midst of these changes, one thing that’s remained largely in the same place is the use of keyword targeting to improve SEO. This can often result in keyword stuffing which is the practice of using too many keywords on websites.

It has today resulted in changes to Google’s algorithm. The algorithm is now based on understanding the purpose and context of users’ queries, not only specific keywords. It has focused its attention on creating high-quality content and, as a result the keyword stuffing process has been eliminated. There are several ways that SEO benefits from semantic search:

  • Helps rank Long-tail keywords
  • Improves the Click-Through Rate
  • Produces more leads
  • Increases sales

Semantic Search vs. Keyword Search

We’ve seen before how this search function and enhances search precision. However, it is essential to know how it’s different from keyword searches. The major difference is in the method by which the matching of the query of the user and records are accomplished. Keyword search is a method of using the matching of the word-to-word text in the query to records by using synonyms, disregarding plurals, removing stop words and so on. They can also employ Natural Language Processing and Natural Language Understanding tools to enhance the search results.

It also matches records that are that are based on similar concepts. It enhances the intelligence of users by matching queries to concepts instead of keywords. This is accomplished with the help of vector search. Utilizing this technology, you can optimize results more effectively and allows users to locate data that is more personalised and pertinent to their search.

The premise behind this search is to look beyond the words of an inquiry and locating solutions based on concepts of logic, logic, and intention. If you’re interested in learning how to use semantic searches and its applications take a look at the courses on marketing and sales online at Emeritus to increase your opportunities in the field of digital marketing.