How To Measure SEO Performances and Results


SEO practices revolve around the idea of attracting quality traffic to your website through the process of optimizing web pages. Every entrepreneur and business owner in today’s world is seeking a stellar online image that could be impossible to achieve without SEO. 

Over the years, SEO has proved itself to be one of the most efficient ways to create and boost an online presence. But along with having an SEO strategy and implementing it, it is also crucial for website owners to track their results in order to understand the performance of their website on various metrics and how they can improve it. 

In this article we have closely discussed how you can measure your SEO results and performance on various basic metrics:

Organic Traffic

Organic Traffic is when searchers are coming to your website automatically without you having to pay for any ads. Whenever a user types in a word or a question, google automatically generates a list of websites with potential answers. Now, usually, the user skims through the top results only, or at the most will visit the websites on the first page. 

This naturally means that for your website to draw more organic traffic, it should be listed among the top results if not on the top. You can do it via targeting keywords and making your website user-friendly. There are various tools in the market such as SEMrush’s Traffic Analytics that lets you get a comprehensive view of your website against your biggest competitor that lets you understand how your audience is visiting your site. 

Keyword Ranking

Every website has a list of keywords that they want their website to rank for. These keywords can be specific or long-tail keywords. A simple way you can track the ranking of your website based on your targeted keywords is to simply search for it. However, you will have to do the search with a different browser than yours to avoid getting altered results. 

Apart from this, you can also conduct a keyword gap analysis to get a better understanding of your keyword performance. 

Bounce Rate

Bounce Rate generally represents the number of people that bounced back to your website after visiting your website. It is certainly not a good sign for your website and in order to avoid it, you need to determine the bounce rate of your website. You can check out the bounce rate calculating tools from various websites such as Pingdom,  Neil Patel, etc.


Building backlinks is a great way to improve your organic traffic, the more the number of quality backlinks, the more chances there are to draw organic traffic. However, even after building a good profile for quality backlinks, you need to monitor them regularly to view their performance. You can easily analyze it with the help of the Backlinks Analytics tool by SEMrush.

Website Authority

Website Authority or Domain Authority basically tells you about the credibility of your website. It is what Google and other website owners use to see how important your website is. You can easily check your DA score with tools offered by AHREFS, Neil Patel, etc.

SERP Visibility

SERP, which is the Search Engine Result Page, is generated by Google to optimize the results, it includes featured snippets, images, videos,  etc. It is an easy way to rank in the search engines, so you need your website to be optimized for SERP visibility. You can easily do it by using tools by SEMrush, Serprobot, etc.

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate represents the rate at which your SEO strategy is working to sell something on your website. You can measure the conversion rate by setting up custom goals in Google Analytics, or you can also take advantage of professional seo services offered by Edkent Media SEO company to determine it. 

Page Speed

Page Speed is highly important when it comes to ranking in Google search results. Google has introduced a special tool for users to determine their website speed as it’s called Google’s PageSpeed Insights. You can find out the overall and individual page speeds of your website with this tool. 

Time Spent on Website

Time Spent on Websites must be tracked in order to determine the performance of your website. You can check it easily in the Behaviour section of your Google Analytics. It helps you see if your content is meeting the user’s intent.