Streamlining Your Large Software Development Workflow – Best Practices


When it comes to large software development projects, many things can go wrong. If you need a successful project on time and under budget, you must think about your workflow from the beginning. Today, we’ll talk about how to streamline your workflow and ensure that every task is completed on time.

1. Orchestration

You need to orchestrate your project from start to finish. Planning is essential here, as it will help you identify where the bottlenecks are and what needs to be done first. If you don’t have a plan covering all aspects of the project — from design to development — you’re setting yourself up for failure.

Modern software development uses container orchestration tools like Docker and Kubernetes, which allow teams to build and deploy their apps in a repeatable way. You can also use tools like GitLab CI/CD to automatically build, test, package, and deploy your code.

For example, you can use a Kubernetes registry to host your private images and deploy them to a k8s cluster. This allows you to use the same image across multiple environments (e.g., production, staging), which helps ensure consistency. This is particularly useful when you have many microservices that need to be deployed together.

2. Deployment

In large-scale software development, deployments are often a challenge. As microservices grow in number, the complexity of your deployments can also increase. You must carefully consider how you deploy each microservice and ensure it has everything it needs to run correctly when deployed.

The best way to go about this is to use a containerized environment. In this environment, you can deploy your entire stack as one unit, ensuring all the dependencies are available at runtime. This also makes it easier to scale up or down as needed.

You can also consider using the immutable infrastructure. Immutable infrastructure is a technique in which you set up your servers once, then preserve each server’s state throughout its life cycle. This means that when you deploy a microservice, it won’t have any of its dependencies changed by updates or other processes.

3. Testing Automation

Testing is an integral part of software quality assurance (SQA). It ensures that your code works as expected and helps you avoid bugs or regressions in production.

When managing a large software development workflow, testing can be a significant challenge. You may want to test every microservice in all environments, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

Consider using a testing automation tool such as TestRail or Selenium to alleviate these problems. These tools allow you to automate your tests to run automatically whenever code is pushed into production or staging environments.

Another good option is a CI/CD platform such as Jenkins or CircleCI. These platforms allow you to run automated tests on your code in each development lifecycle stage, from development to staging and production environments.

4. Configuration Management

A critical aspect of development and deployment is configuration management. Configurations are the settings that control how your application works, such as where its data stores are located or what ports it uses to communicate with other services.

When you have multiple instances of a microservice running in different environments, they’re likely to have different configurations. For example, if you’re running a database on Amazon RDS in production but on a self-hosted instance in staging, then these two databases will have different configurations.

To keep track of all the different configurations, it’s crucial to have a consistent process for managing them. This can be as simple as writing each configuration down in a text file or spreadsheet. However, this approach will likely become unwieldy over time as the number of microservices grows. A better option is using an automated tool like Terraform or CloudFormation to manage your configurations.

5. Infrastructure as Code

Infrastructure as code is a practice that streamlines the provisioning and managing of servers, networks, and other resources. In this approach, you write code that automatically creates and configures infrastructure based on your specifications. This eliminates manual configuration steps like manually typing in IP addresses or SSH keys for each server.

This approach is ideal when you have many servers to manage, as it simplifies the task and reduces human error. However, you should be aware that infrastructure as code can be a bit more complex than other methods, so it’s not always an option for teams that don’t have dedicated engineers.


Large-scale software development can be daunting, but it’s possible to streamline the process using the right tools and practices. You can make the process more manageable by containerizing your environments, using immutable infrastructure, and managing configurations with code. These techniques will help you avoid common problems and deliver better software faster.