The Ultimate Guide On Video Editing App Development For Entrepreneurs


Video content takes over the Internet. Users are rapidly moving from text blogs to video blogs. Videos provide more immersiveness, enhance visualization for educational needs, and capture fascinating moments that attract viewers’ attention. According to Cisco, video content will reach 79% of all content on the Internet by the end of 2020.


However, to create a worthwhile video, content makers use various editing applications. In this post, we’ll discuss how to create the video editing app, what monetization models to apply, how to build a proper feature list. Let’s roll.

Video editing app development stages

It takes a significant amount of time and resources to create a video editing app. The software development process requires a full impact from the product owner and the development team. We’ve created a list of points that should be thought out before the actual video app development.

free video app

Come up with a creative idea

To create an app that will take over the market, you need to offer an innovative solution to your users. App stores are full of video editing applications. Some mobile devices have video editing features integrated by default. 

Most likely, you can’t outdo such mastodons as Adobe. It offers a diverse solution that can satisfy the needs of the most demanding customers. However, you can make something that popular apps don’t have right now. Combined with an attractive interface, your features will attract users and make your app successful. 

Analyze the target audience

Your target audience should be your primary concern. To create a video editing app and make it prosper, you should understand your users’ needs. Identify your target audience and try to understand their interests. Depending on the video platform of your users’ choice and what content they create, you can create features that will suit their needs. 

For example, the TikTok audience often creates short video edits with vertical screen orientation. One of the trends in TikTok is videos with smooth transitions. If your app has features that can combine separate shots into one without obvious editing evidence, TikTok users will surely admire your software. However, it may be hard to create such a feature. Video editing apps often use AI algorithms to create an illusion of a single and seamless shot. However, they are complicated and significantly increase app development cost

As for Youtube, it’s a platform much loved by video bloggers. These content creators record rather long videos. As these videos can’t be recorded in one take, bloggers spend a lot of time editing. Moreover, video rendering takes even more time than the actual editing process. That’s why the app that targets Youtube users should have a high performance and use all the working station resources efficiently. Besides, travel bloggers will be grateful for user-friendly color correction features in your app.

Draw up a feature list

Without regard to the type of software you create, the list of features is a must-have point for the software development process. Developers that work on your project should clearly understand the features they will develop to assemble the required team and choose the proper tech stack. 

To create a video editing app and not to fail, you can develop an MVP version first. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It offers users the basic features so that they can test the whole concept of the app. If the app gains popularity among video editors, you can proceed to more advanced features. Otherwise, you should learn from your errors, upgrade your app, and release it again.

Here are the MVP features of a video editing app:

  • Trimming and merging shots
  • Combining separate video files
  • Adding audio layers
  • Color correction
  • Posting the content to social networks
  • Save video file in preferable video format

As for the advanced features, their list is endless. Software development capabilities are almost unlimited, so everything depends on your creativity and developers’ skills. 

Deciding on a revenue model

Popular software will bring profit to the product owner. That’s a good reason to create a video editing app. The monetization strategy depends on the architecture of your app, so it’s better to decide on it before the app development. However, for an MVP version, you can test several strategies.  

We’ve provided you with the most popular monetization strategies that entrepreneurs use for video editing apps:

  • Ads. This method is the most simple one. Your app is completely free, but it displays ads. The more users see — the more revenue you get. However, users don’t like ads, so you shouldn’t overuse this strategy. Provide users with a paid option that disables ads. For a modest payment, they will be glad to get rid of advertisements.
  • Freemium. According to this strategy, the app is also distributed for free. However, the free version has some limitations in terms of features. When users purchase a full version of the app, they get access to all its features. 
  • Subscription. This strategy is the best way to create a video editing app with a stable income source. To use the app, users should pay a monthly fee set by the product owner. That’s the strategy used by Adobe Creative Cloud for their products. Besides, you can add an annual subscription that will be more cost-effective than the monthly one. 
  • Premium. This is a quite arguable type of revenue model. The idea is that the app costs money, but it also has in-app purchases. Undoubtedly, this monetization strategy is the most profitable, but users often don’t fall for such apps. There’s no reason to pay for additional features when you can get the alternative via subscription or even for free.

Also Read: Top 5 Best Tools for Video Marketing

Wrapping up

As you can see, video editing apps may become a great income source and interesting project for entrepreneurs. A lot of people around the world edit videos, so it’ll be easy to find your own target audience. However, such software can’t be developed in a matter of days. You’ll need a team of professionals and plenty of resources to create a video editing app. So, if you’re ready for all the challenges, consider finding a trustworthy tech partner.