Creating a Work from Home Space for Maximum Productivity


The world is currently witnessing its biggest experiment of WFH (work from home). While businesses are transitioning to this new normal, employees are adapting to atypical routines. Therefore, an important talk of the hour is how one can be successful in creating a work-from-home space for maximum productivity.

WFH can result in a worker’s increased productivity and better focus. However, it will not be the case when you don’t have a proper working environment. The goal is to create a space dedicated to work where you can do what you do best.

Here is how to create an ideal office setup at home.

For Small Spaces:

You might live in a condo or an apartment and not have large spaces to set up an office. But who says you need that! You can make a good workspace even in a small area, and here is how-

  • Multipurpose furniture- Getting multipurpose furniture is smart if you don’t have big spaces in your house to turn it into an office.
  • Locate a workspace- Identify a place in your house where you don’t get too much traffic and noise. See if your desk fits in that empty corner; you don’t have to look too far!
  • Make good use of vertical space- One of the best ways to make space in your home is by adding shelves for additional storage. If you can put some extra shelves and stack the things you don’t need now, you will get ample floor space for your working area.
  • Declutter your space- Stationeries, files, and miscellaneous items lying cluttered on your desk or around you will make your space feel small. Find a desk with built-in storage, or use a bulletin board to keep things tidy. Angela Joyce, a professional organizer based in Los Angeles, recommends containers inside of desk drawers to keep smaller office supplies organized and storage spaces tidy.

Home Office products:

You can give your home workspace a complete office feeling if you have the right equipment. An ideal home office is quiet, well-lit, and organized. Taking care of these things can help you manage a good work-life balance.

See whether you have these important home office equipment-

  • Chair- You need a comfortable desk chair, not just any chair in your home, to spend your day working. It should fit under your desk (especially if your workspace is small) and meet your requirements.
  • Desk- Desks come in different shapes and sizes. You can purchase or build one depending on the amount of desk space you need and your budget.
  • Computer- Set up your computer or laptop on your desk in a proper position so that you don’t get back and neck problems. You might also want to invest in a wireless mouse and keyboard to prevent unnecessary cords cluttering the desk.
  • Lights- When you have a well-lit room or workspace, it can affect your mood positively. Having a floor lamp or desk lamp will also take the stress off your eyes if you work at night.
  • Storage- The amount of storage you need depends on your work. While drawers and cabinets are good options, you know what you need best. Just remember to keep things clean and organized.
  • Office Supplies- Once you sit down to start your workday, getting off your chair to find a pen, notepad, or anything else can be annoying. Keep office supplies handy and stocked so that there is minimum distraction.

Some tips for garnering maximum productivity while working from home-

  • Maintain a schedule- You have set up the best workspace in your home. But the bottom line is, how productive are you? If you don’t set a routine and maintain it, you’ll either not get any work done or burnout because of too much work.

Many people believe that working extra time can lead to more productivity. Doing this will harm your overall health and life. So try to stick to a schedule to have a healthy work-life balance.

  • Keep your space clean- Almost all of us are guilty of having a messy office space (at least by the week’s end!) Drawers become cluttered; files get unorganized, papers pile up, and so on.

Ensure that you tidy up regularly so that your workspace doesn’t demotivate you the next day when you sit down for work.

  • Give your eyes a rest- Last but certainly not least, giving your eyes some time off the screen will make a huge difference. You can try the 20-20-20 rule- take your eyes off the computer, and look away for 20 seconds at an object 20 yards far from you. It may be difficult to remember doing it, but put some effort, and you’ll notice the difference!

Also Read: The Essential Tech You Need for Your New Work from Home Life