6 Tips to Set Up a Home Classroom for Your Child


In many parts of the world, schools are not opening as a precaution to safeguard children from the novel coronavirus. This means that virtual learning will continue for the children. This makes it essential for the kids to have their own space to attend classes, do homework and follow up on studies. So, many parents are trying to create a home learning space that will help children focus more on their school lessons. But, there are some factors that parents must consider before creating a learning space for their children, such as the size of the room or if siblings or parents will share the space. So, parents, get your whiteboard marker ready to note down some ideas for an excellent, well-balanced homeschool set-up.

1. Choose a Spot

Older kids or teens are pretty independent and can attend lessons without any supervision, and probably will have a desk already set up in the family room or in their bedroom. Whereas, if your kids are in elementary school or starting preschool, it is advisable to set them up in an area of the home where you can supervise them.

2. Limit Distractions

Gadgets like tablets or laptops should be kept out of their reach unless they use them for learning purposes. Even the family pets and siblings should not enter the learning space while the lessons are going on. You can minimise digital distractions by taking your kid’s phone away during classes.

3. Decide Who Will Share the Space

It could be a challenge if you do not have a separate room for your child’s set-up and if you have to share your workspace with them. There are times when your office employers/team leaders require your undivided attention over a zoom meeting. So, divide and conquer! Ensure that you have separate space to take important calls. This will minimise distractions for children and help you focus better.

4. Make It Ergonomic

It is essential to maintain a good posture while sitting on the desk. But, getting the children to sit correctly is not an easy task. So, to make their space ergonomic, keep the essentials like stationery, whiteboard marker or laptop charger within reach. Moreover, adjust the desk and chair as per their height for extra comfort.

5. Set Up a Routine

An effective way to make kids comfortable in the learning space is by setting up a routine. Make a vivid wall calendar that highlights important events, important assignments or classes, and assign time duration to their tasks. This will surely make them efficient.

6. Create Comfortable Spaces for Downtime

Kids won’t spend all day sitting at a desk in school. There were many stimuli when children attended regular school, like playing in the recess, eating lunch with friends and gathering at assemblies. So, try to create some transitions for them at home and create a comfortable space for their relaxation. For example, it is a good idea to set up a reading corner by the window for downtime. And, if you have a yard or a patio, try to include that space in the learning environment.

So, grab your whiteboard marker and jot down all the ideas on a board to shortlist the ones you will implement. Lastly, try to create a stress-free environment for the children; if you get stressed, they do too. Hence, boost their concentration by creating a calming atmosphere in your home.