What are the Commonly Used Speeds of Gigabit Ethernet for Business?


Many businesses, especially the smaller ones are now using Gigabit Ethernet to connect to the internet. While LAN (Local Area Network) was an obvious choice almost 3 decades ago, Wi-Fi or Ethernet are the current choices. Even though some enterprises use Wi-Fi, many of them are switching over to Ethernet for various reasons. Speed and network stability are two reasons. The cost of the connection is the third and plays an important role.

With advancing technology, Ethernet speed has also increased by bounds. True to the name, Gigabit Ethernet provides a speed of 1000 Mbps or approximately 1 Gbps. When VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) became famous, enterprises moved over to Gigabit Ethernet for quality services.

What are the Commonly Used Speeds of Gigabit Ethernet for Business - https://logix.com

At the same time, there are enterprises that are happy with using Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps) for their business. It depends entirely on the business volume, working capacity, and the requirements of the enterprise. 10 Gigabit Ethernet and 100 Gigabit Ethernet are gaining popularity for the same reason.

Service providers who offer Gigabit Ethernet for Business have an array of Ethernet speeds, bandwidth, and service packages to choose from. The following are the three commonly used Ethernet speeds preferred by business enterprises.

Fast Ethernet (100 Mbps)

Fast Ethernet is a step above Ethernet that offers around 10 Mbps speed. This improvement made it easily adaptable in less time. Almost every enterprise using Ethernet upgraded to Fast Ethernet for better speed and connectivity. Fast Ethernet is provided through copper cables, though some service providers use fiber optic cables for quality services.

Gigabit Ethernet (1 Gbps)

Gigabit Ethernet was developed with the idea of using it as a backbone, a support system for large networks, servers, and connections. But over time, with the reduction in the prices, Gigabit Ethernet attracted the attention of enterprises that were looking for even better speed. Though Cat- 5e twisted copper cables could still be used, to get the full benefits of Gigabit Ethernet, fiber optic cables were preferred. With an increase in distances, fiber optic cables replaced copper cables for Gigabit Ethernet.

10 Gigabit Ethernet (10 Gbps)

10 Gigabit Ethernet is one of the latest Ethernet standards. As the name suggests, it is 10 times faster than Gigabit Ethernet and works best on fiber optic cables. While 10 Gigabit Ethernet is used by enterprises that deal with huge amounts of data and high data throughput rates, it is becoming well-known among other enterprises in the industry.

What if even 10 Gigabit Ethernet is not sufficient for your business? You can choose 100 Gigabit Ethernet, which is the fastest Ethernet to date. Whether it is connecting to the cloud or to the data centers, global enterprises that work on a massive scale find it convenient to upgrade to 100 Gigabit Ethernet.

When the speed increases, it is natural for the cost to increase. To upgrade from one speed to another, enterprises might have to upgrade the equipment and the software of the devices to match the speed of the network. High-speed Ethernet connection wouldn’t provide the best if the devices used are old or out of date.

Gigabit Ethernet is widely available in metros and other cities. In fact, many service providers are providing services in towns and rural areas as well as using quality fiber optic cables.

Advantages of Using Gigabit Ethernet For Business

Gigabit Ethernet is popular because of the numerous advantages it providers to the enterprises. Irrespective of whether the enterprise uses Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet, or 100 Gigabit Ethernet, the advantages remain similar.

Video Conferencing

Enterprises these days prefer to have video conferences and meetings instead of sending their employees across the country and the world. This has helped them save travel costs and also organize meetings as per the convenience of the parties involved. For uninterrupted connectivity, Gigabit Ethernet is the right choice.

Focus on Digital Revenue

Focusing on the digital market is one way to boost the revenue of any enterprise. With a high-speed network, employees can develop new digital-based revenue paths by selling digital assets, running a platform-based business, digitalizing a product or service, venturing into new or adjacent industries, etc.

Increased Employee Morale

In this competitive world, keeping an employee happy is as important as keeping a customer happy. Employees can be considered as internal customers who can bring more business and expand the external base of the enterprise. When employees can finish their job effectively in less time, without facing any interruptions, it boosts their morale and results in increased productivity.

Enterprises can talk to the service providers to understand which speed would best suit their business needs. The customized services offered are affordable, reliable, and flexible for the enterprises to increase their productivity and improve the return on investment.