Top 10 computer scams


I would say the internet is secure and without malicious users, but you’d probably crack up because we all know that is not true. Every online account or profile is a target and can be compromised.

Cybersecurity professionals like to say ‘think like a hacker to catch a hacker.’ So, this post will equip you with the knowledge you need to prevent falling prey to these guys. This article is presented by PC ‘n’ Mobile.

Data is compromised using different vectors, and they come in various forms based on the software or purpose they are deployed. We will expose the top five computer scams of 2019.

Phishing scam


Phishing is one of the most successful attacks, but it still works for hackers all the time. Three out of ten security breaches begin with phishing emails. This scam involves a malicious player sending a victim some form of bait to lure them into supplying sensitive information like logins.

Phishing emails look legitimate and usually come from email addresses with domains similar to the real thing. Attackers use social engineering techniques that play on your tendency as a person to be manipulated by someone you trust. Clicking links in malicious emails will direct you to a cloned webpage of the real one, and entering your details there, to login, for example, is merely giving the attacker your data.

Nigerian Scam

This scam is known as Nigerian scams but has nothing to do with Nigeria. Most of the perpetrators claim to be from the country because it’s a relatively poor country with rich individuals; hence, the perfect coverup location. In this scam, cybercriminals contact the target via email, social networks, etc. and typically tell stories that lead to asking the target to send some money to get a bigger one or some reward.

Beware of contact from strangers on the internet or a deal that is too good to be true; heck, reject every deal or offer you did not apply to. The cybercriminals here are very persuasive, their stories usually add up thanks to several proofs they will send, and victims of Nigerian scams usually get hooked in, to keep throwing money until they’re left with nothing.

Greeting Card scam

Attackers take advantage of festivals and holidays to try to hack people. In this age-old scam, the hacker sends a greeting card to your email; if you click on this email, you would automatically download and install malware on your computer. These malware are usually in the form of adware that bring up annoying banners and advertisement on your screen whenever you use your PC. However, cases have been reported of greeting card scams that introduced other more severe malware into computers.

Credit card scams

This attack vector is straightforward, but many people surprisingly fall for it. In a typical credit card or bank loan scam, you will be told about a secret offer, where if you pay some mandatory fees, you would somehow have access to some outrageous pre-approved loan. These are fake because no bank can forget to document those incredible sums.

Lottery Scam

These scams are similar to the above credit card or bank loan scams. Here, you will be told you won a lottery, but you need to pay some money first to claim the prize.

Hitman Scam

Hitman Scam

In hitman scams, the cyber attacker will email you threats on your life or that of someone close to you. According to the email, the hitman will murder the person if some money is not paid. These emails will contain a lot of your private information to prove you are watched. Ignore them and report to the police.

Romance scam

Romance scam

The internet has changed the way we behave, and many relationships now start online. Malicious players take advantage of social media to create fake accounts (catfishes) to date you, and in the end, ask you for financial assistance.

Fake antivirus

We’ve all seen some notifications on our screens, saying viruses have infected the computer, and that you should download a certain antivirus to fix the issue. Some might be legitimate; both most are fake. If you click the call-to-action button or link on the notification, you risk infecting your system with the real virus or spyware, so take note of these.

Hijacked Facebook scam

Hijacked Facebook scam

The most popular social network, Facebook, has millions of active daily users. The social network houses trillions worth of data from users who trust the platform and submit their information willingly. Cybercriminals have their eyes on this data and find ways to take over the Facebook accounts of victims.

When they do have control over the profile, they impersonate him or her and attempt to trick friends and relatives into sending them money.

Economic or Make Money Fast Scams

Fraudsters convince their targets of schemes by which they can make much money in a short time. This scam is like the previously mentioned romance scam, where they sell you a faux desire or need. Some fraudsters now post fake job openings on sites with hopes of scamming the applicants.

Cyber attack vectors pop out daily, and so this list is far from exhaustive. However, if you follow these tips, your account will be a lot safer from the most common attacks.