Tips for Creating a Fitness App User Interface


When you are designing a fitness app, one of the challenges that you will face is how to make the application user-friendly for fitness enthusiasts. The reason why most of these apps fail to become successful is because of the poor user experience and interface. Even if you have the best fitness workout plan, if it does not appeal to your target audience, you won’t see significant sales. Thus, to improve the user experience, you have to take into consideration several factors when designing the interface of your app.

Workout Details

One of the many factors that you have to consider when designing a fitness app UI is the fitness workout details that you will display on the app. Do you intend to display information about your featured exercises? If you do, make sure that they are clean and simple so that the app will not just appear messy but also confusing. If there are too many elements in your fitness app that make it difficult to navigate or that require the users to repeatedly click on various parts in order to get to the information they are looking for, then you should remove them. The simpler your interface is, the more useful your app will be for your targeted audience.

Workout Plans

Fitness apps are all about fitness information and workout plans, and so you should focus on that to provide the most relevant information to your users. If you are targeting a particular group of people, such as women, you have to design your app with their needs and lifestyle in mind. Make sure that the fitness workout plans you offer will suit the needs and preferences of your target audience. For instance, you can provide detailed information about the exercises for pregnant women, elderly people, and the elderly.

Aside from providing the right fitness workout plans, you must also make your fitness app user-friendly because that will make it easier for your customers to purchase the app. Consider how you intend to sell the app to each category of the app’s target audience and design your app accordingly. If you are thinking of monetizing your app, you have to think about the features your customers will be able to enjoy once they buy the app. For instance, if you are planning to sell a fitness app that offers a complete package of training, motivation, and other tools, make sure that the app will cater to those needs.

Attractive Interface

Your fitness app user interface should not only be attractive but functional at the same time. If your app makes use of complex and sophisticated technologies, that does not necessarily mean that the experience is better. Simplicity is key. Use colors and icons in your app that will make it easier for the users to find the information they need.

Innovative Graphics

You can also make your app look attractive by making use of innovative graphic design tools such as Photoshop and Flash. Try to utilize two to three different images for each part of your fitness app. Make your menus colorful and use animations or sound to enhance the user experience. If you want your app to appear more enticing to the viewer, include a few personal touches on the home screen or menu bar. You can also include a short video with testimonials from your customers as a means of getting more downloads.

One of the most important things in a workout design app process is to make a user profile as personalized as possible. Before creating a user profile, we usually should go through a signing-up process. Fitness apps like any other apps allow logging up via social networks. However, they should require some additional data to fill in such as age, gender, weight, and height. It helps define a user’s physical condition and make a user profile more personalized.

There are several apps out there that allow you to personalize your fitness app. You can use different fonts and color schemes. You can change the background and the appearance of the app. Personalize your app so that it looks different from other fitness apps out there.

To make your app popular among your target market, it is essential to constantly update and improve your fitness app. If you add new features constantly, you will be able to gather feedback from your users and turn those into additional sales. Thus, while developing an effective fitness app, make sure that you consider all the above-mentioned factors so that you can create an app that is not only fun to use but also useful.