Top Test Automation Mistakes And How To Avoid Them


The majority of software development companies have left manual testing behind and have shifted to fully automated testing. According to Truelist the survey found that 24% of companies noticed an increase in their return on investment after having adopted automation testing, proving that the advantages from automated testing is far too substantial to overlook.

Automation testing allows companies to speed up their testing processes and reduce the length of the development process. This allows companies to increase their testing activities to meet the increasing demand of customers and provide goods on time.

The advantages of automating testing over manual processes include:

Reduces time and costs: Many tests must be run in development cycles to ensure high quality, particularly when there is a change in the source code. Repeating these tests manually can be expensive and time-consuming. However, with automation the process, you can run these tests over and over for no cost.

Enhance test coverage: Automation improves the scope and depth of tests. It is possible to run long tests without supervision, which is typically not feasible when testing manually. Automated testing programs dive into programs to look over the contents of memory as well as data tables and program state to determine if the application performs as expected.

Enhances accuracy: Tests performed manually are often monotonous and prone to human error. But, with tests that are automated, these exact steps can be executed exactly every time, ensuring best results.

Frees up testers’ time: By automatizing the repetitive work of testers can free to concentrate on other important tests that require intricate functions.

If done in a proper manner using the proper instruments, automation testing can offer these advantages to businesses. It is not a secret that testing automation is essential when it comes to ensuring that software quality can be improved and to meet the requirements set by customers. But, it’s not always easy to go with automated testing. In their eagerness to have many more automated tests, teams of testers frequently commit mistakes that cost time, money and even resources, delaying their development.

But, it is possible to avoid the majority of these mistakes by being aware the causes and taking care.

Common Mistakes In Automation Testing And Solutions To Avoid Them

We will examine the most frequent errors that happen in automated testing and methods to stay clear of them:

1. The mistake of not defining your objectives

The success of testing automation is in knowing which aspects to be automated and in what ways it can aid your business. Testers must be aware of the dangers they’re trying reduce through their tests in order to assist them to accomplish that. A lack of a strategy could be a blunder that can cost you money and result in a loss of time and money.

Before you start automating, you must have an idea of how automation can impact your daily work and other elements such as cost and time in the long term.

2. Automating the wrong tasks

Another mistake that is common is automating bigger tasks, instead of smaller ones. When you automatize the bigger tasks, you’ll be faced with a time-consuming and difficult task to finish. Also, you are at risk of making errors that could ruin the entire process of testing. In the event of large-scale projects make sure to break the work by breaking them down into smaller pieces.

The best approach is to automate tasks that are small first. Then, if there are larger projects, automate the parts of the work that are repetitive, and perform the tasks separately from each other.

3. The testers you have chosen are not experienced enough to utilize your chosen instrument.

Before you choose an automated tool you must to make sure that your testing team has the expertise and experience to use it effectively for your particular project. When you launch a new tool to which your testers aren’t comfortable and are struggling in the middle of important tasks, leading to the project becoming stalled.

Before introducing a new tool to your program, make sure that your testers are competent in using it. And if not, offer the required training to those who require it. Hold seminars and workshops to make sure that your employees are aware of the automated process.

4. Insufficient supervision of the project

The supervision of the test project is vital regardless of whether you are making your task automated. It is essential to oversee the automated processes. failing to do this could result in losing the control of your project.

Supervisors must be able to observe every phase of the automated procedure and ensure that they are successful and should there be any issues that arise, they must be aware of it and address it as soon as they can.

5. Without considering the ROI

If you fail to consider all the investment made in the automation of your testing process it is possible that you will have to pay for the loss in the end. There are many other costs beyond licensing fees that you should consider.

When you automate, it is important be mindful of the investment that you make, such as the costs for installation and integration as well as the additional equipment and services needed operating costs, as well as the cost of hiring experts in the field.

6. Making sure that you use only open-source tools

Testing managers usually choose open-source software for their projects since they’re affordable. But cost savings shouldn’t be the sole criteria when choosing the tool. Open source tools come with limitations, including the requirement for technical knowledge to utilize them. Additionally, they could be limited in functionality and in a position to not provide the features you require to meet your particular requirements.

One option for teams that test is to utilize a mixture of both commercial and open-source tools. Commercial tools can provide the functions that your open-source tool can’t provide and can add worth to the testing.

7. Doing not create a culture that embraces automation

Before you introduce an automation program it is recommended to make sure that your company has a culture that is focused on automation. Businesses that don’t have a well-defined environment can have a portion members of their staff who are influenced by automation.

The change in your team’s culture won’t happen overnight and will require a great deal of education. It is essential to establish an environment that encourages innovation and experimentation and celebrates the success. A member of your team must explain the benefits gained from automation of your testing process, and what this means for your company over the long term.

Wrapping Up

You should know what you should be aware of to ensure your automation testing program runs well and gives you the advantages you’re looking for. The next step is to find the right automated testing tool that will meet your requirements for effectiveness, lower costs and speedier delivery to the market.

TestGrid remains the leading platform to amaze businesses across the globe with its impressive test automation capabilities that do not require code as well as other benefits. TestGrid as well as its features powered by AI have been designed to make testing easier of the most complex mobile, web and desktop applications.

With its secure cloud infrastructure TestGrid provides access to hundreds of real-world devices and web browsers to remote teams of testers at any time they need it, providing complete testing and high efficiency.

Furthermore it is among the few platforms that meet all of your testing needs all under one roof, whether it testing APIs with cross-browser compatibility and obtaining performance metrics. Enhance your experience when testing with TestGrid and reach your goals of speedier testing, lower cost and better ROI as well as an edge over your competition.