How Promotions Can Backfire and Damage Your Business’s Reputation


Promotions are supposed to attract more people to your business but get them wrong, and they could have the opposite effect. Here’s a look at some of the things that could damage any brand and some of the ways you can avoid them. 

Are the materials safe?

One of the most important things to check before producing any promotional material is whether it’s safe and whether it could put anybody’s health at risk. For example, if you put a banner up outside your building, you might think that it has very little chance of injuring anybody. Even if it’s made out of thin fabric materials and it’s secured well to the building, there’s every chance that it could fall down, and the impact could seriously injure someone if it was to land on them. There’s also every chance that if for any reason the banner was to catch fire, it could release dangerous gases or even accelerate any fire across the rest of your building. With this in mind, it’s important to check any promotional product you buy for safety. If you’re interested in buying a large promotional banner like this, make sure you purchase one that’s REACH compliant. For example, all of the materials used in Soyang’s recyclable, eco-friendly banners all reach the strict standards that are needed to comply with the laws surrounding the REACH certificate. These products that are REACH tested and pass those tests are ones that you can be sure are safe enough for your business and good enough for you to invest in. 

Are they environmentally friendly?

As well as safety, it’s important to consider whether your promotion will also be environmentally friendly. More and more customers are considering exactly what impact a business has on the environment before deciding whether or not to choose to spend money with them. When choosing promotional materials, make sure you choose ones that can be easily recycled, like the banners mentioned earlier in this article. Also, avoid any promotional materials that can cause a lot of unnecessary waste. For example, you might think handing out flyers is a great way of spreading information about your business to anybody who is walking by or lives near your business. The only problem is a lot of people will simply throw these flyers in the bin when they’ve read them, producing lots of rubbish littering the street with your brand on. As any litter could seriously impact your business’s reputation, try and avoid this form of promotion, or at least make sure someone regularly checks for litter around the places you hand out these flyers. 

Are your suppliers getting a fair price?

You might also think that the customer is only concerned about getting the product at the lowest price possible. In fact, a lot of people also want to know that the people who made this product are getting a fair price for their work. For example, while Fairtrade products are often more expensive, a lot of people purchase them because they know everyone who has worked to produce these materials is getting a fair price for their work. Make sure any price cut doesn’t damage the amount of money your suppliers are paid. 

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