Link Building: How To Build Links To Your Website in 2020


Link building is a way to increase the visibility of your site by creating one-way hyperlinks to other pages. Effective link building strategies are necessary to increase search engine rankings in 2020. With an increasing number of websites, the search engine ranking of websites is becoming more competitive.

In addition, Google is now focusing mostly on quality links instead of more links and good quality content for better ranking. Are you searching for effective ways of link building for your website or blog? Read on to learn about various link building techniques, or else you can opt for link building services provided by successful content marketing companies.

How to Build Links to Your Website

Building quality links is vital for search engine rankings. For this purpose, the development and execution of a good link building technique are most relevant. To help in an efficient way, I’ve shown here how to create quality links to your web site. This includes finding high-quality links, good quality content, and link building strategy.

Find High-Quality Links

Where can you find high-quality links to your website? Follow the steps below to identify and build high-quality links that could potentially improve the visibility of your site. First of all, search for links on authoritative pages. An authoritative page refers to a page with a high Page Rank. If you get links to those pages, it will have a huge impact on your website. 

Secondly, search for links from authoritative sites by reviewing the DR (Domain Ratings) or the DA (Domain Authority) using different tools. So if you get a link from a site with high domain authority, that’s great news for your website. Then comes the relevance of your website from those authoritative sites. This means that your site should have some relevance to the site from which you want a backlink. 

Next, the positioning of your link on the page. It is better to insert the link in the middle of your body content instead of placing it in the footers or sidebars. In addition, the link should be placed on an editorial basis, which means that there should be some correlation to the content and the link. Using Anchor Text is also a good way to boost the quality of your link. Make sure that the link you place on the text is about the word/phrase you place your link on.

Create Good Quality Content

There is no doubt that good quality content is the key to creating backlinks. The backlinks created from good quality content are crucial. Consider the following things to create good quality content. 

The first thing you need to keep in mind is the authenticity of your content. Make sure that you provide your audience with original authentic content. Provide well-researched information with objective evidence and real-life examples to make the content relevant. These are the most critical aspects when producing content of good quality.

Add interactive elements including photos, info graphics, charts, and diagrams to make the content more appealing. If you place visual content on your pages, you have an element that can be used as a reference link. This means that if anyone uses your images or charts on their site, you get a link from those images.

Including a numbered list to the content will have a positive effect on the audience. Because when you write content to a list, it makes it easier for your audience to thoroughly memorize the details.

Link Building Strategy

Here are the two most effective link building strategies which I personally use for my website. This has shown significant results and I hope this is going to rock in 2020.

Approach Resource Pages

This is one of the most effective strategies for building quality links. First of all, let’s try to understand about resource page. Research pages are the websites whose main purpose is to build links because these websites list links for different topics. It is a good link building strategy to approach resources pages.

Guest Posting

A lot of bloggers, content marketers, say guest posting doesn’t work. But that’s not true, guest posts can provide good quality links to your website. Guest post is not about publishing content on any website that is about making progress on the website by providing relevant and valuable content.


Follow the link building techniques you’ve learned from this article to boost the ranking and visibility of your site. As I mentioned above, focus more on building quality links than on building more links. In addition, produce high-quality content that is of benefit to your customers. In contrast, plan and implement a proper link building strategy. There are a lot of online resources available to link building, you can learn and apply for your website. However, if you think you need link building services, you can hire a content marketing company or freelancers.