Your credit card is an essential financial tool that becomes your dear companion when you run out of cash. Whether you are shopping, travelling, or need to meet emergency demands, your credit card is there to stand behind you when cash in hand and cash in the bank are irrelevant. The range of credit cards available to us in the modern era seems endless. Cards such as shopping cards, travel cards, fuel cards, co-branded cards, and other types are available. Unfortunately, there are so many choices it can be tricky to decide which card to use. Cardholders will receive rewards, discounts, cashback, free cinema tickets, and other benefits that will pique their interest as shoppers.
RBL Bank is one of India’s largest and most renowned banks, offering 17 credit cards in collaboration with Bajaj Finserv. But it’s almost impossible to recommend one credit card as the best for everyone. Instead, you can select an RBL credit card that fits your requirements based on your income, credit score, and how you spend your money. With the Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit cards, you can enjoy perks in diverse areas, such as movies, shopping, travel, dining, etc. Customers can receive cashback, reward points, and discounts for purchases made with the card.
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Listed below are some of the best Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit cards in India for online shopping and earning reward points
The following are a few of the most popular credit cards from RBL Bank. If you meet your needs and criteria, you will be able to verify your eligibility, and you can also apply for the best credit cards from RBL Bank online.
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank SuperCard
If you are frequently on the move or enjoy movies, the SuperCard might be the right choice. You can save money on dining, movies, and shopping with this Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card, which offers a variety of benefits. In addition, you can redeem rewards points for purchases made with this card.
- Take advantage of a 1+1 movie ticket when you purchase a ticket on BookMyShow.
- With reward points, you can make a down payment on the EMI Network.
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank World Plus SuperCard
If you want to create a more vivid spends experience, your RBL Bank World Plus credit card could be the perfect tool. You will find a variety of offers designed specifically for travel enthusiasts.
- 10X reward points on international spends and dining offers
- 2 reward points on every Rs. 100 spent on regular shopping
- Complimentary airport lounge access and fuel surcharge waivers
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank World Prime SuperCard
The World Prime SuperCard promises you a life full of rainbows and stars! This Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card was designed to meet your lifestyle needs. It offers travel, golf, movie, dining, and luxury lifestyle privileges, which will elevate your living experience to a new level of luxury and convenience.
- 12,000 welcome reward points on spending Rs. 2,000 within 30 days of card issuance
- Fuel surcharge waiver of up to Rs. 150, every month
- For every Rs. 100 spent, you will receive 2 reward points
Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank Platinum Choice SuperCard
With the Platinum Choice credit card, you can enjoy a variety of rewards at RBL Bank, such as free movie tickets, points on all purchases, and waivers of fuel surcharges. This Bajaj Finserv RBL Bank credit card is useful for those who enjoy watching movies and shopping. Depending on how much one spends, one can earn rewards points as a milestone bonus.
- The annual membership fee will be waived for anyone spending Rs. 50,000 or more in a year
- 10% off on movie tickets on BookMyShow
Before apply for a credit card, it is important to look at all possible options to make an informed decision. With a good CIBIL score, you can greatly simplify your credit card application process. However, since you are ultimately responsible for paying all the expenses, it is recommended that you spend wisely to avoid overspending.