Ecommerce Checkout Designs to Boost Conversions


Suppose a potential client clicks on your advertising ad, lands on your site’s product page, add items to their cart, proceeds to checkout, and then abandons the cart. Generally, cart abandonment leads to a loss in sales revenue and a waste of resources when it comes to client acquisition.  

Online shoppers abandon carts for many reasons. If the consumers don’t see the shipping costs and taxes until checkout, they tend to underestimate the cost of their purchase. Also, most shoppers don’t want to jump through hoops, such as having to sign up for an account to complete a purchase.

The good news is that a reliable web design agency can help you implement the right checkout design to reduce your customers’ car-abandonment tendencies. Here are eCommerce checkout designs that could improve conversion rates.

Minimize the number of form fields in your checkout flow

The average checkout flow has about 15 form fields. An experienced designer can help cut this by 20% to 60% and still work perfectly. Generally, shoppers feel overwhelmed when they see many form fields when checking out.

There are a few simple changes you can make to reduce the number of form fields. For instance, you combine the first and last name fields, use a single address field instead of partitioning it into several fields, and remove any form field that’s not necessary. Ideally, your checkout flow should have six to eight fields.

Allow the shoppers to checkout without requiring them to create an account or sign in.

It is true that having more consumer data could help streamline the marketing and selling processes. This unsavory fact may be the reason most companies are making the mistake of requiring their clients to create an account or sign in before completing a purchase. This practice disrupts the shopping experience and could lead to a higher rate of cart abandonment.

To address this issue, allow your customers to shop as guests and make account creation optional. Also, let your customers know the benefits of creating an account, including the ability to save multiple delivery addresses, faster checkout, and easy access to order status and history.

Use visual cues

Most people often feel uneasy about sharing their payment information with eCommerce platforms. There are a few tips that could help put the shoppers’ minds at ease. For instance, instead of just writing ‘credit card’ in the credit card payment area, you can write “secure credit card payment.” A phrase like “secure 128-bit SSL encrypted pay” offers additional details about security. The safety badge and padlock icons provide more visual cues for security.

Provide the outline of the entire checkout process

Do not ask for all the data you need all at once. Instead, let the shoppers know the separate processes or steps of checking out. You can break down the entire process into three or four steps, including cart, client information, shipping, and payment.

Once your clients understand what they should do to complete a purchase, handling forms will be less tedious. Work with a reputable web design agency to streamline your eCommerce platform’s checkout process and improve conversions.