Dating App Development – 9 Tips to Build a Profitable Dating App


Dating Apps have revolutionized the entire dating process. Gone are the days where people have to first visit different cafes, pubs, parks and other places to look for a perfect date. Now, due to the internet and smartphones, people feel more connected. 

People looking for a series relationship or fun dates can find a perfect date within a few clicks on their smartphone. This has become easier than ever before.

As per statistics, the revenue of the dating industry has reached US$1,958m in 2019. Moreover, the popular dating app Tinder reported that it attracted 8.54 million users as of June 2019 in the US.

Various startups and businesses are looking forward to starting dating app development to enter into the dating industry. So here we will provide some of the essential things that you should consider for developing a profitable dating app.

Without much ado, let’s get started:

9 Tips to Build a Profitable Dating App


  • Know your target audience

Determining the target audience is the most crucial step in the whole app development process. Keep in mind that focusing on one or a specific kind of target audience doesn’t mean that you should rule anyone who doesn’t meet standards. 

The main objective should be to develop an app for that audience, along with providing all the necessary features and user experience.

Later, this information will help you to leave a powerful message in the mind of targeted users during marketing campaigns.

  • Analyze your competitors

The current market is filled with a lot of dating apps and you want your app to stand out from all other apps in the market, that’s why you need to analyze your competitors thoroughly.

Check out the leading apps in the dating industry. What is the key selling point? How they become successful? By understanding this, you will be able to build a dating app like tinder. 

Take a close look at the features and the user reviews of most popular as well as least popular dating apps. You will notice that most of the apps are the same with only minor differences. Check out which features users loved and which they hate. 

By keeping in mind this information, you will be able to build a fully-functional dating app which you target audience needs.

  • List the main functionality of the dating app

Dating apps fall under the special category of social apps; therefore, the main attention is focused on proving the best human interaction and on fulfilling the user’s specific needs. 

It is clear that there are no two dating apps from the current apps that have a particular set of features and concept that guarantees the desired result. 

More or less, you can list a few of the essential functionalities without which you can’t build your dating app.

  • Create a Matching Algorithm

Majority of dating apps follow a matchmaking algorithm to bring like-minded people close to each other. However, this is not the case all the time. 

Based on the research, 64% of people using dating service said that they are looking for a person with some common interest, While 49% of people stated that they are looking for a person which they find attractive. 

You will be able to achieve this by adding a simple questionnaire during the signup process. By doing this, dating app users will be able to find a perfect match. Now, the main task of a dating app is to provide perfect matches to a user. 

Dating apps integrate different matching techniques to match up partners who like each other. Let’s consider a few of them.

Location awareness: You can integrate GPS components in the app to find users a perfect match in a nearby location. Here, you suggest all the potential users nearby along with detailed information to a user and give them the freedom to decide with whom they want to start their communication.

Mathematical Basis: This connects two people based on the similarities of answers from the questionnaire. This technique helps to determine the compatibility level of two users based on the responses of their questions. As soon as compatibility level crosses a specific limit, they are matched with each other.

Matching based on Behavior: The sad thing about online dating is that people tend to enter false information about themselves. The best way to overcome this is to integrate a behaviour-based matching technique. It follows a Big-Data based approach to match users on a dating app.

  • Provide the Best Security in the App

There are some of the downsides of dating apps that you should consider while building it. Without adequate security, a dating app can become a playground for creeps and frauds. 

To provide the best security, you can integrate some features as follows:

  • Verify profile option:  To check the user is legit, you should include verifying through facebook and mobile number. 
  • Filtering messages: Make sure that the user doesn’t use abusing language in chat. 
  • Banning option: Give freedom to the user to complain about improper behaviour of fellow users.
  • Blacklist option:  Users want to get way from encounters that are unwanted for them.
  • Select the best features for the dating app

In order to build a dating app as per the current market requirements, you need to integrate some of the latest features. List of features that you can add are as follows:

  • Proper Verification System
  • In-App Messaging
  • Provide suggestions about the first date idea
  • Allow them to undo their mistaken swipe or like
  • Push Notifications, etc.
  • Choose the right tech stack useful in dating app

Before you start the development of an app, you should be familiar with the technology stack. Development of dating app can be done using different tools and technologies given below as per the requirement.

  • Programming tools: Kotlin, Swift & Java
  • Frameworks: Node.js, Expres.js, Ionic, Fluter, React Native, etc
  • Database: MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis
  • Web Server: Nginx, AWS
  • Payment Gateway: Stripe, PayPal, etc.

If you need any help regarding tech stack, you can approach a highly-talented team of mobile app developers.

  • Cost of Developing an App

Cost of any application depends solely on the features used in it. In the same way, the cost of a dating platform also relies on the various features and functionalities in the app.

If you don’t want to make an app by yourself, then you can approach a dating app development company, they will provide you with an estimate about the cost. Also, they can develop the best dating app that suits your needs.

  • Monetization Strategy

There are some ways you can monetize your app:

In-app purchases: Offers users various options for in-app purchases such as likes, boosts, etc.

In-app ads: Be careful while integrating in-app ads. There are found to be irritating, most probably the ads that appear on the screen. 

Premium access: This is one of the best methods of monetization in dating apps. In short, a premium account enables users to get additional features.

Apart from this, there are other monetization methods that you can integrate to earn money through your app.

Lastly, we recommend you to consider all the 9 tips in dating app development to develop a profitable dating app.