Critical Considerations to Take While Buying Business Laptops


Australia has over 2.4 million commercial companies and businesses growing at a 3.8% rate, who have bought a total of 3.7 million laptops over the past year. Sales of commercial laptops have increased by 11% in the past two years owing to organisations moving away from office desktops to hybrid environments due to the pandemic. While searching for laptop computers for companies, offices and businesses, the management must consider certain factors like the budget, preferred operating system, design, battery life and CPU capacity. Companies can find some of the best-suited laptops for businesses in the market through a Lenovo Partner. This buying guide aims to help small and medium businesses follow the steps to pick the laptops that most efficiently suits their needs.

Set a Budget for the Devices and Optimise the Purchase Strategy

One of the best ways to ensure optimal expenditure on tech is by budgeting the amount. The budget must cover the overall amount and the amount that will amortise over the number of laptops. When businesses do not set a budget for their IT investments, they usually overspend or underspend. One of the most popular approaches to budgeting laptops is adopting a tier-based system. For example, companies can consult one or two manufacturers or a Lenovo partner and acquire laptops with higher processors and capacity for the development team and C-suite executives, and midrange ones for the professional and entry-level staff, based on their work.

Choose the Right Operating System

The three most prominent operating systems businesses use globally include Apple, Windows, and Chrome. Apple’s OS carries a hefty price tag. However, they offer premium quality designs and interfaces. Many creative establishments prefer Apple laptops for their function keys, high screen quality and the ability to run high-octane programs like Maya, Dreamweaver and Avid. A majority of business laptops have Windows as their standard operating system. They provide an excellent selection for configuration, features and budget. It offers numerous features that can boost work productivity. Companies must consult with their IT experts to understand the company needs and compatibility before investing in new laptops.

Study the Laptop Design

The crucial aspect of choosing the right laptop for businesses is considering how the teams work in offices. They must consider if the employees require a traditional laptop or a hybrid version, prioritise keyboard usage, travel-friendliness, stylus or touch support, ruggedness, waterproofing and more. These parameters are set based on the requirements of the company and the job roles of the employees. They ensure optimal investment and work productivity.

Compare the Specifications

The CPU, memory storage capacity and battery life form the three most basic but crucial specifications businesses must consider before investing in bulk laptops. Many think that having a powerful processor results in better performance. Business owners want the best performing laptops for their companies. However, investing in high-end processors to support video editing, 3-D modelling, and graphic designing for clerical work or daily business needs may not be worth it. The second feature to look for is the short-term and long-term memory of the laptop. The capacity of the RAM, HDD and SSD features of the laptop affect the laptop’s performance and storage. Business owners must skip any laptop with 2GB RAM and instead go for the ones that have 4GB or higher. SSD storage provides faster and more efficient storage than HDD. The last primary specification to consider is the battery life of the laptop, which can be a make-or-break for certain businesses. Companies that require laptops running for the entire working hours, especially with graphics-based software, must consider buying additional batteries and services that a Lenovo partner or numerous manufacturers offer.