Comparisons with the dead “Ivanushki”, a triumph in “Mask” and an affair with Tina Karol. The path of Kirill Turichenko


The artist began his career with participation in musicals, but he gained wide popularity when he got into the Ivanushki International trio. After the show “Mask” on NTV, colleagues and fans started talking about the fact that Kirill Turichenko should go solo. Moreover, comparisons with Igor Sorin and Oleg Yakovlev have not gone away …

Few people remember that back in 1994, Kirill Turichenko participated in the Morning Star, where two years later the Ivanushki International group performed with the single Clouds. It is worth looking for symbolism in this or not, but when Oleg Yakovlev left the band, Kirill became the third soloist.

“Even after several years of work, they did not want to recognize me as a member of the group. Everyone said: “Well, the third and third, there is no voice, a phonogram. Still, probably, a drinker, ”the artist complained.

What has changed after Kirill’s participation in the Mask show on NTV? Who broke the singer’s heart, and what kind of girl managed to heal mental wounds? January 13 Turichenko turns 39, and we answer all these questions.

musical star

Kirill was born in Odessa and from an early age was engaged in the local musical show group Starry Hour, so he got used to performing in public and traveling to festivals. At 14, the young man got into a specialized theater class led by Olga Kashneva, which at one time was attended by Irina Apeksimova, Tatyana Lyutaeva and Nonna Grishaeva. The latter helped Turichenko when he roamed the Moscow castings.

“My train arrived at four in the morning, I got out of it and did not understand where to go – and Nonna supported me, guided me, received me. Well, I came with video cassettes, there were no discs then, and I tried to break through somewhere.

These cassettes occupied 80 percent of my luggage, and the customs officers constantly searched and found fault with me – they thought that I was carrying some kind of forbidden video, ”the singer recalled.

Back in the mid-90s, Kirill played the main role in the musical “Aladdin’s Magic Lamp” and became the soloist of the KA2U quartet. In 1999, the guy won the Black Sea Games, and at the dawn of the 2000s he played Romeo at the Odessa Musical Comedy Theater.

“In 2003, I was recognized as one of the best actors in Ukraine. I then hovered in the clouds, was young and did not understand all this, but the success was very great, – Turichenko reasoned. – Then I was invited to the Chekhov Festival in Moscow. I lived in the Rossiya Hotel – for me it was like flying into space. I went to the best theatrical performances. I dined with fantastic actors in the courtyard of the mayor’s office, even when Luzhkov was there.”

For a long time, Kirill played in the theater of Odessa, but eventually left for Kiev to expand the scope of creativity. In 2003, he got a chance to replace Sergey Lazarev, who decided to go solo, in the duet Smash!! “But then my father fell seriously ill. And I left everything to be with him until the last. And then another year I was in Odessa with my mother, ”said the singer in 2015.

However, last year the artist voiced a different reason why he did not stay in the duet. “I did two gigs. I was ready to replace Lazarev, I went for it, but Vlad also wanted to sing solo. As a result, the duet never happened, ”Turichenko said on the FAN show“ Let’s Talk ”with Vadim Manukyan.

The story of missed opportunities repeated itself when the singer stopped on the outskirts of the top ten in the People’s Artist project, and in 2006 he took second place in the national selection for Eurovision from Ukraine. As a result, Tina Karol went to the competition, with whom Cyril was connected not only by friendship …

Broken heart

Even at the Black Sea Games in Kakhovka, Turichenko had a youthful romance with Karol, and in 2006 he met her again at a casting for an international competition. Tina’s career then gained momentum, because after the performance in Jurmala, Alla Pugacheva literally blessed her. Well, Cyril remained the star of Romeo and Juliet, and not pop music.

Forgotten feelings began to play with renewed vigor, but Karol carefully concealed relations with Turichenko from her producer. Soon, Tina’s popularity skyrocketed, while Cyril continued to beat the thresholds of studios and go to auditions.

The tension in the couple grew: sometimes the singer offered to lend money to her boyfriend, but he proudly refused, besides, dates happened only when the lovers found themselves face-to-face in a modest “odnushka” in Kiev.

Tina spoke casually about the relationship with her colleague: they say, the guy began to hint at the wedding, and she said that it was not time yet. It so happened that shortly after the breakup, the singer married producer Evgeny Ogir, and this broke Cyril’s heart.

However, Turichenko mentioned that he had learned about the relationship of the chosen one with Eugene even before the breakup, which means that the artist could meet with two men in parallel. In any case, the musician noted that the distance was gradual, and he predicted a sad ending to the love story.

Cyril did not hold grudges and evil against Tina, and, in principle, emphasized that he wishes happiness to all his exes and even still congratulates everyone on the holidays. Whom it was about, Turichenko did not expand, noting only that after Karol did not decide on a serious relationship for a long time, as he was busy with creativity and searching for himself.

In the future, Cyril was credited with novels with Natalya Rudova and Yulia Baranovskaya. Moreover: Turichenko was caught kissing former lover Andrei Arshavin. However, the singer assured: what others took for an expression of passion, in fact, was only a protracted greeting of two friends.

Forever third

In 2011, Turichenko released the album “Intersection of Fates” and took part in the “Last Hero”, which significantly increased his fame. A year later, the artist appeared in the Ukrainian adaptation of The Voice of the Country, and in 2013 he took the place of Oleg Yakovlev in Ivanushki.

Initially, Kirill did not know that he was being invited to the group: Igor Matvienko simply expressed a desire to get acquainted, and Turichenko believed that he would be offered a solo project. In fact, the producer urgently needed an experienced vocalist who would be able to take the stage in Ice in St. Petersburg in three days.

“I have always remained in the shadows in the group, and to this day I remain. I would never be able to kill the popularity of either Sorin or Yakovlev … I’ll be lying if I say that I had no choice – there was a choice, precisely in that year and that moment.

I could go to France because I was invited to play in the musical The Three Musketeers, and then in the French Voice. It was 2013. But I was afraid to go to France, I was afraid that I would be a complete stranger there, ”Kirill admitted.

Under the guise of a Rhino

Turichenko understood that he was driving himself into the framework of the image and style of an established team, but nevertheless he entrenched himself in a trio.

On the one hand, the artist grew up on the music of Ivanushki and got a chance to show himself, and on the other hand, by agreement with the producer, he had the opportunity to simultaneously realize himself in other projects. The breakthrough came when Kirill was selected to participate in the “Mask” on NTV.

“I was no longer noticed as a creative person. Of course, I was very worried about this, but I was looking for any opportunity to break out of this vicious cycle. I didn’t get anything for many years. When the “Mask” happened, it even psychologically changed everything in my life. In a direction that I never even dreamed of.

In “Mask” I was recognized with exactly the repertoire, with the music that I always wanted to sing. I used to think that no one needed it. I was always told: “No one will listen to this, it’s not for corporate parties, it’s boring.” But when I sang on the “Mask” Adagio, the performance made a real revolution! Cyril emphasized.

In the show on NTV, Turichenko did not reach the final, but he was remembered by both the audience and the jury as a promising artist. He also became friends with Yusif Eyvazov, with whom he is now preparing a concert with a classical repertoire.

“I participated in many shows, I always tried to break through somewhere, but such a sharp rise happened right here. Now I’m a little at a loss and can’t imagine how it all together – Ivanushki, solo work – can continue to exist, ”the singer intrigued.

“Mask” really fueled interest in the artist, and in the future he continued to amaze listeners: he released a video for a cover of MakSim’s hit “My Paradise”, performed brilliantly in “Showmaskgoon”.

Upcoming wedding

Many people talked about Turichenko’s creative plans after The Mask, and soon the fans had another topic for discussion: the artist’s personal life. As it turned out, the soloist of “Ivanushki” is not in love with an actress or TV presenter at all, but with a woman far from show business, Daria Tarasova. Previously, Dasha was married and has a son, with whom Cyril gets along well.

“I had a wedding. This event is no longer the same. I’m not that young girl anymore. Now I am much calmer about everything. Cyril, of course, did not have a wedding celebration. I’m sure he wants it. I do not insist. As it goes, so it will be, ”Tarasova reasoned last summer.

A couple of months later, Turichenko clearly proved the seriousness of his intentions by making an offer to Dasha at a celebration in honor of the wedding of blogger Maria Solodar. Tarasova said the cherished “yes”, so now Kirill’s fans are looking forward to beautiful photos of the couple from their own marriage.

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