Angular vs Vue.js: Which is the Best Front-end JavaScript Framework?


The days of complex desktop apps are long gone as most of the businesses started migrating their enterprise software to webapps that are powered by front-end frameworks. The 2019 Stack Overflow Report revealed Javascript as one of the most popular programming languages that is used by 67.8% of Software development companies/programmers worldwide. Most of these webapps are powered by JavaScript frameworks like Angular, React, Ember, Vue just to name a few.

If you are planning to build a web app for your business and are confused which framework to build your webapp, you’re not alone. Due to the increasing number of robust web app development frameworks, it is becoming more difficult for business owners or product owners to choose viable Javascript frameworks. Out of these JavaScript frameworks, Angular and Vue are trending now as two of the most popular JavaScript frameworks that are used extensively these days by developers around the world. In this blog post, we will compare both frameworks based on multiple factors such as their popularity, community support, learning curve, performance etc. This will help you gain better insights of these frameworks.

Angular vs Vue.js: Popularity and Community Support

Being developed by Google, Angular is more popular among developers and has also got more community support than any other JavaScript frameworks that are available today. The Angular community is also more reliable and credible than the community of any other frameworks as more Angular developers contribute & collaborate more frequently. Moreover, tons of resources are available online that help Angular JS developers to easily find solutions to the roadblocks that they come across during programming.

Being a relatively new framework, the popularity of Vue.js is slightly low when  compared to Angular. However, there has been a surge in its popularity among front end developers in recent years as it is one of the best frameworks that you can use to build powerful and complex single page web applications. Furthermore, Vue.js now comes with compelling features such as dynamic directive arguments , Async error handling, and much more. However, the popularity of this framework in the United States is pretty low. Whereas, it is highly popular in China and is used by giants such as Xiomi, Alibaba,etc.

Angular vs Vue.js: Learning Curve

Learning curve of Angular is pretty steep as the developers at Google designed it specifically for building heavy single page applications that usually require complex code structure. Because of this reason you need to hire Angular  developers to build your web app.

Vue.js on the other hand has a shallow learning curve when compared with other  frontend frameworks including Angular. A developer who has a good understanding of vanilla Javascript can easily pick up this framework Vue.js and start working within no time.

Angular vs Vue.js: Size

When compared to Vue.js, Angular is a bit  bulky in size. This is one of the main reasons why web apps built on Angular exhibit higher loading time when compared with apps built on Vue.js. Inorder to evade this issue, the developers of Angular have now minimized its  size significantly. However, it is still not compact as the web apps built on Vue.Js Framework.

One of the cool things most developers love about Vue.js is the fact that it is lightweight. Vue.js 2.0 has only a size 33.30KB when  gzipped. Thanks to Vues compact and fast ecosystem of tools, developers can build lightning fast web apps that are less bulky.

Angular vs Vue.js: Performance

You can use Angular to build performance driven and robust webapps that ensure seamless functionality and usability. However, in order to harness the full potential of this framework, you need to have an expert Angular development team. It is highly recommended to hire angular developers In India, If you lack an expert in-house development team of Angular developers or you need developers with lower hourly rates.

When we dive deep into the performance of Vue.Js, the apps that are built on Vue.js offer users lightning fast speed along with excellent performance.