Android 11 – Everything You Need To Know


The Android 11 update is at long last here. In the wake of being declared right back in February, and having a beta turned out in June, the freshest rendition of Google’s cell phone and tablet working framework is here for all. 

Indeed, when we state ‘here for all’, we mean the last form of the Android 11 programming has started turning out, however it’s not on all telephones at this moment. 

Beneath that, we’ve recorded all the Android 11 highlights that have been declared. There are a couple of captivating ones this year, as improved shrewd home and media controls, and underlying screen recording, yet there’s nothing as major as Android 10’s Dark Mode. 

Just as the affirmed Android 11 highlights, Google consistently adds little changes and idiosyncrasies to its updates that it doesn’t generally detail, so as a greater amount of these get found by courageous clients, we’ll add them to this rundown. 

In the event that you have a low-end telephone Android 11 probably won’t come to you by any means – that is the reason Google additionally planned Android 11 (Go release) which is a lightweight rendition of the working framework that takes a shot at handsets with 2GB or less of RAM. Telephones running this rendition of Android 11 should begin coming out soon. 

Android 11 Delivery Date 

Google delivered Android 11 on September 8, 2020 – we were expecting this date because of breaks from the organization, however Google itself didn’t develop a lot of ballyhoo for the new working framework. 

All things considered, September 8 denoted the arrival of Android 11 on Pixel telephones, yet in the event that you own a handset from an organization other than Google, you’ll need to pause. 

Makers with custom forks of Android will currently need to construct their own variants of Android 11, at that point turn them out to their cell phones – that could be brisk, for more up to date leaders, however on the off chance that you have a more established or mid-run handset you may be holding up some time. 

We’ll refresh this article when more telephones get Android 11 turned out. 

Short Information

What will be in this? The most up to date Android working framework 

When did it Release? September 8, at any rate on Pixel telephones 

What amount does it cost? Android 11 is a free update 

Android 11 Highlights 

Implicit screen recording 

Android 11 brings an element some custom Android forks as of now have – worked in screen recording. This lets you use effectively available controls inside the telephone to make a video of what’s on your screen, like screen captures. 

You can even record the sound of your telephone, or utilize the mic to describe what you’re doing, so this ought to be an extraordinary component for making short-structure video like TikToks, or for making instructional exercise recordings to enable less tech-to sharp family members take advantage of their cell phone. 

New Discussions Tab 

At the point when you swipe down from the top in Android 10, you cut down your warning bar – well, in Android 11, that is part into two segments, comprising of your notices, and your ‘discussions’. 

These discussions are fundamentally simply talk notices from visit applications like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Twitter, so you know they’re presumably more worth focusing on than different warnings. 

This way you can without much of a stretch check whether individuals need you, and answer straight away as well. You can likewise now stick discussions to ‘Air pockets’ – you may have seen these for Facebook Messenger, where a coasting symbol shows up above different applications to give you that you have a message. 

Improved Openness 

Google has improved its Voice Access mode in Android 11, in spite of the fact that there isn’t an excessive amount of data on what’s changed. 

Clearly, the sans hands mode is presently ‘quicker and simpler to utilize’ – a greater change is that the mode currently works disconnected, so you don’t have to consistently be associated with it. These progressions ought to ideally make Android 11 much more open, letting individuals remain associated paying little heed to handicap. 

You can compose braille messages and no need to to purchase separate programming. 

Brilliant Home and Media Controls 

The new Android 11 update brings heaps of changes for individuals who use heaps of brilliant home gadgets. 

From one effectively available menu (got to by long-squeezing the force button) you can control all the IoT (Internet of Things) gadgets you have associated with your telephone, just as NFC bank cards. 

There are few latest media controls there. It’s presently simpler to make music play from different gadgets associated with your telephone, as Bluetooth speakers or different contraptions. 

Besides, Android Auto currently works remotely on your vehicle, sparing you from tinkering with wires to make it work. What’s more, on the subject of transport, presently when you turn on Airplane mode, any earphones associated by means of Bluetooth will remain associated, so you won’t need to reconnect them. 

Security and Protection 

The Android 11 update carries a few changes to application authorizations. Presently, you can give an application authorization to, state, your camera or area, on an irregular premise, rather than the current alternatives of ‘constantly’ and ‘just while utilizing the application’. 

Which Phone Will Get Android 11 Update First?

Phones that are currently received Android 11 Update:

  • Xiaomi Mi 10 / Mi 10 Pro
  • Google Pixel 2 / 2 XL
  • Google Pixel 3 / 3 XL
  • Google Pixel 3a / 3a XL
  • Google Pixel 4 / 4 XL
  • Google Pixel 4a

Android 11 Easter egg 

The last aspect of our Android 11 guide will investigate the Easter egg – new forms of Android consistently have one of these, and this one was found by clients nearly when the beta turned out. 

On the off chance that that sounds unusual, it is, however it’s really fun as well. In the event that you need to discover more for yourself, follow our guide underneath on the best way to empower the Android 11 Easter Egg. 

Initially, head into the Settings application, at that point click About Phone, at that point Android Version, at that point more than once click where it says ‘Android Version: 11’. 

A few clients report this working after three attempts, however in the event that it actually doesn’t work, at that point continue attempting. At the point when it works, a small feline will spring up on the base of the screen. 

Presently you can make a beeline for the keen home control menu nitty gritty above – in the event that you skirted that segment, you can discover the menu by long-squeezing the force button on your telephone. 

Here you can discover alternatives to cooperate with the feline, however on the off chance that you’ve just planned controls to this menu, the choices won’t be noticeable – rather, attempt to include new controls, at that point click ‘See Other Apps’ to discover the feline apparatuses.