5‌ ‌Signs‌ ‌that‌ ‌Tell‌ ‌you’re‌ ‌Hiring‌ ‌a‌ ‌Bad‌ ‌Buyer‌ ‌Agent‌


Of course, every property buyer and seller try to save money, and for that, they don’t prefer to hire a real estate agent. According to them, paying an agent is a waste of money because they can learn about everything online. So, they should save a few bucks.

In reality, by not hiring an agent for the service, the chance to lose money increases. It is because the real estate market is quite complex—someone who just entered it is unable to figure out everything but an agent can offer insights and advice that you can’t see.     

Now here, the sole issue is that not all real estate agents are the best. There are few who don’t care about the customer. They focus on the tasks that allow them to make more money.

So, in this article specifically, you will learn how to get an idea of whether the agent you have hired is good or bad.

If you’re a Buyer

As a buyer, you don’t need to focus on new things like the home must be in a smart city in Lahore or so on. Many other things need attention, and it is where the buyer agent role comes in.

The responsibilities of a buyer agent are a lot. The agent needs to do everything according to the customer’s needs and requirements. For that, they have to listen to them, and the bitter truth of our society is that not everyone is a good listener. So, you have to be very careful when hiring an agent.

So, the signs that tell the agent isn’t qualified enough or inadequate are:

Have Some Communication Issues

One of the most significant issues people face after hiring an agent is that they fail to communicate with them properly. Now there are a few reasons for it. Firstly, as a customer, you fail to explain everything to the agent correctly. Secondly, the agent isn’t interested in listening to you for some reason.

Now the first reason is solvable, but if your agent isn’t replying to your texts or email on time. They ignore your phone calls, or they are focusing on other clients whenever they are with you. It is a sign of trouble because you are failing to communicate because of an agent’s lack of interest. So, if you come across such a situation, it is better to look for some other agent ASAP.  

Lack of Leadership

Even though you would like to be the boss during the whole process, there is no point in having an agent by your side who only says “yes” or “no.” An agent must guide you correctly at every stage as they are experienced and have a know-how of the market. It is something that is called leadership.

However, if your agent isn’t doing it for you, it is time to cut your string with them.  

Power Scuffle

Obviously, it isn’t easy to show a buyer a new home, as they are about to make the biggest investment of their life. The excellent agent tries to ensure every time everything is alright. Still, even in this situation, you, a buyer, are the Boss.

So, if your agent tries to give you suggestions by ignoring yours or pressurizing you to make a purchase in which you aren’t interested entirely. It is a sign that an agent isn’t loyal.

Unnecessary Attitude

As mentioned before that, an agent should have confidence in their capabilities, and they must guide you whenever required. But all this doesn’t mean that they misuse this option and show an unnecessary attitude. An agent must have high patience and should behave well no matter what the situation is.

So, as a client, you don’t have to go through so much when you get options.

Unable to Finalize a Decision

An individual hires an agent, so the process becomes simple and less time-consuming for them. But in case if in the presence of an agent, you as a buyer still fail to finalize the deal you like the most or are unable to come to a conclusion whenever needed, it is a clear indication that you and the agent aren’t compatible at all. All the agent is doing is wasting your time.

So, get out of such a messy situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, everything might get even more complicated, and it becomes impossible for you to get out of it.

Lastly, after reading the above points, if you finally understand that there is a need to hire a new agent, go on. However, if you haven’t hired an agent yet, keep all the points in mind.