5 Essential Technologies for Smooth SMB-Management in 2021


Business managers rely more and more on different technological solutions in operating their daily tasks. The demands of the contemporary business market are such that those tools are going to be even more important in the time before us. 

SMB-owners who want to keep pace with their competition needs to understand these trends and apply technology to ensure steady business growth. 

The following five tech features and technologies are here to help you reach that goal in 2021. 

 The Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is the next big thing that will revolutionize the way we handle our business tasks. 

Some IoT-features are already in use even though you might not be aware of that. For instance, if you have smart light bulbs or smart locks and smart thermostats installed in your office, you’re already using the IoT-technology. 

As more and more devices get mutually connected in your office, the more IoT-options you’ll be using. When it comes to the use of IoT for practical business operations, computers linked that way open room for close and effective collaboration.

It’s believed that the typical office of the future will completely rely on connected devices. This will ensure quick and productive business management


 Artificial intelligence can’t run business deals on its own – at least not yet – but some handy AI-options are being implemented in routine business operations as we speak. 

At this moment, business or average size and budget can afford to apply AI-solutions in the customer support field

For starters, think about adding live chatbots to answer some of your customers’ questions and automate this part of customer support. They can be programmed to cover a wide range of potential questions and inquiries. It’s up to your budget and needs to set their operability, in collaboration with web developers. 

Another practical use of AI-support to SMB-teams is data processing. In other words, AI-analytics tools can provide customer support agents and managers with predictive data referring to specific customers and their previous problems/needs. 


Since work automation is one of the end goals of many tech projects and innovations, both tech engineers and business owners are working hard on the implementation of such solutions. 

For instance, accounting and bookkeeping tools are already used by many businesses on a global scale. 

The next area that should grow quickly when it comes to technological enhancements in the field of human resources. HR-experts know that this is the age of evaluation. This means that business owners need to track, measure, and present the business results of every single employee working for them. When you tell everyone what they’ve been doing well and what they can improve, you build a healthy relationship between your business and your employees. 

This is where modern HR-software tools play a tremendous role. From tracking workers’ commitment to work mentioned above to the onboarding process, to work schedules and vacations, HR-specialists and SMB-owners alike can benefit from such solutions. 

 Mobile apps

Having a business website is a must for every contemporary business. Even if you run only a small local store or a small proprietorship business, you should at least register for Google My Business. 

Anyway, we’ll proceed by referring to those of you who already have a business website. You probably track the visitors’ behavior on the website and measure how they use its different sections. When you notice that the website traffic has dropped or visitors don’t convert into consumers, you work with your web developers to improve the situation. But sometimes whatever you do on the website itself won’t help the stats. 

At one point, every successful business should think about launching a business app. As developers from a digital agency in Houston point out, there are already so many mobile users that a combo of a business website and a business app is becoming mandatory. 

Of course, your next move will depend on the structure of your audience and the type of services/products you offer. In a nutshell, SMBs aiming at younger audiences, and eCommerce ventures should opt for apps. 

 Cloud-based solutions

The development of cloud-based solutions is closely related to users of gadgets and laptops. No matter if they use their mobiles, tablets, and laptops for work or fun, Internet users like to get things fast and easily. Downloading and installing a software tool to a computer or a gadget is too slow and time-consuming for modern Internet users. 

Instead of that, they want ready-made solutions that can be used at once. Cloud-based tools, apps, and data meet these criteria. They’re easily accessible, quickly editable, and smoothly removed once they’re not needed anymore. 

Therefore, SMB-owners use cloud-based apps to enhance collaboration between their employees. Also, cloud-based storage options enable business owners to keep their data safe and available by storing them in the cloud. 

Contemporary small and mid-sized enterprises need to incorporate into a dynamic, fast-paced business world. Technology can be their main ally in optimizing their business operations and their employees’ productivity. From the connectivity of the Internet of Things to AI-solutions and HR-aides, business management can get much easier and simpler. Together with the use of mobile apps and cloud-based solutions, all the interested parties – SMB-owners, their workers, and their customers – will have a pleasant experience regarding the business in question that provides all these features.