3 Handy Ways to Master Hygiene in Your Supply Chain


Hygiene is a major issue that nearly all supply chain industries face, including the trucking industry. It has become more important in the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. Warehouses are one such key area where cleanliness is of utmost importance. This is because of the bulk volume of products inside and outside of it every day.

Let us see some effective ways to ensure the best level of hygiene throughout the supply chain.

Enhance Inventory Management

The warehouse is a prime area where you need to ensure cleanliness and hygiene. It is the place where a business stores all its inventories. Without proper hygiene measures, there are chances of bacteria growth. This is because the warehouse houses products from several locations. Several people handle these products. The products that have been stored for a long time are the ones that are more likely to get infected.

To prevent this possibility, it is important to manage your inventory by implementing a ‘first in and first out’ rule. This implies that the inventory that comes into the warehouse will be dispatched first. This will lessen the amount of time for which goods stay on the shelf.

It also helps minimize the likelihood of contamination during this process. In this way, it will help in enhancing the entire supply chain management. It also includes managing inventory dates and optimizing stock-flow throughout the supply chain.

Arrangement Of Pure Water

The scarcity of clean drinking water and decent toilets is commonly seen in supply chains. The government mandates that decent sanitation and clean water are a fundamental right of a human being. In addition to inventory management, it is the organization’s responsibility to supply pure and freshwater to every worker.

This ensures the best health and safety against contamination. Attention should also be paid to the surroundings in which the workers perform their duties. Implementing good hygiene provisions will benefit the dignity and health of farmers, staff members, and stakeholder relations. Firms that have a good reputation can reap business benefits.

Use of PPE Kits

When it comes to promoting safety in warehouse environments, the importance of PPE can’t be ignored. It is a very important device that helps protect employees against contaminants present in the environment.

The use of this protective equipment should be done as per the guidelines. For maximum protection, it is important to choose the perfect one. Make proper arrangements for its storage and upkeep. Educate all workers who would be using the PPE kit.

PPE kit’s selection should be done after assessing its appropriateness for the type of hazards an employee is exposed to. The PPE kit should be able to deal with that hazard properly. It is beneficial to take expert assistance from the supplier about its effectiveness and use.

Find out whether the use of PPE adds any risks in terms of visibility or communication. Also, find out the ease and compatibility of wearing different materials of PPE. Check whether they lead to any hindrance etc.


It is crucial to adhere to absolute sanitation amid the continuing coronavirus epidemic and beyond. Implementing proper hygiene measures is important to ensure the safety and health of employees employed in the supply chain. The above ways will promote the best level of hygienic all across the supply chain.

Trukkin being a techno logistics company adheres to excellent hygiene standards in the supply chain. They take care of proper sanitization, frequent temperature checking of workers, and ensuring masks worn by everybody to have no risk to end customers.