10 Remarketing Facts That Will Make You Rethink PPC


Have you ever wondered if you could have a second chance to make a good first impression?

Well, today with remarketing, you can retarget your prospects by displaying ads to users who have landed your site.

Remarketing is a powerful tool to help you increase your display ad revenue. 

Here are 10 remarketing facts that will make you rethink your PPC strategy.

Remarketing will increase your conversion rate

There are an abundance of reasons ‌to use remarketing in your Pay Per Click marketing campaigns, starting at improving brand loyalty to increasing your conversion rate. 

Here’s a fact! Kimberly-Clark experiences a 50-60% higher conversion rate among consumers they remarketed to. 

Once you add remarketing to your AdWords campaigns, conversion rates can go off on tangents in your favor. 

As a PPC marketer, remarketing will help you personalize your retargeted ads. This way, you can revamp your ad to decrease your bounce rate and keep users engaged with your content.

When you promote remarketed ads to users, you’ll increase your click-through chances by 3 times.

Remarketing works—and ad fatigue is so overrated

Ad fatigue is the feeling you get when you’ve seen an advert tens of times on end; the more ad exposure you have, the less likely you’ll click on it.

To some extent, showing the same ad over and over again is nothing short of lazy! 

AdEspresso made a study on remarketing ad frequency, and the results were interesting. 

Ads shown more often led to a CTR decrease and CPC increase, the platform said.

No online marketing strategy works when left unchecked though. A 5-time frequency could reflect a sound use of remarketing ads.

When you limit your ad frequency to 5 times, you’ll be able to answer 2 questions:

  1. Has your prospective customer engaged with your ad?
  2. Did the retargeted ad generate any leads?

Remarketing can boost your brand awareness

Brand awareness is the foundation of your business—both online and offline. 

Your brand helps weave your entire business branches into one clean story to sell your product.

That said, in a marketplace where every business is competing to increase its conversion rates, remarketing ads is a must.

Prospects don’t always engage with an advert from the get-go. However, I’m more concerned with how to create a second chance (or even a fifth one). 

The average Click-Through Rate for retargeted ads is 10 times higher than the regular display ads, averaging a rate of 0.7% and 0.07% respectively, Signifimedia states. 

A Click-Through Rate of 0.7% is a significant increase in online marketing when compared to other marketing strategies. 

This is important because the more people click on the ad to visit your site, the more chances you have to build your brand awareness.

Remarketing fine-tunes your Conversion Rate Optimization 

Once your prospects land on your site, it’s important that you have various CRO strategies in place. Keep in mind that your main goal is to increase leads, gain traction, and most of all, get better ROIs than the last quarter. 

When you’re adjusting your CRO, you need to test multiple variations of your website content, i.e. your landing page, forms, and better CTAs. 

All in all, you need to develop a crashing strategy that leads to meaningful conversion rates.

Both Facebook Advertising and Google Display Network have Quality Score metrics

Every search engine out there, including Facebook and Google, has metrics that influence your ad rank and CPC. 

Here is why quality scores matter: 

On GDN, every 0.1% increase/decrease in Ad CTR results in a 20% decrease/increase in CPC. 

As for Facebook’s Relevance Score, a 1% increase in post engagement yields a 5% decrease in Cost per Engagement.

What this means, having people click on your ad to increase impressions will do you more harm than good. 

You need to attract the right people by creating remarketing ads that are meaningful and add value to your prospects. 

Display Ads convert lower rate than Search Ads—but for how long?

Retargeting ads statistics report that 6.37% of customers click on remarketed ads because they like the displayed product. 

Being drawn to products in retargeting ads is the most common reason why ‌consumers click.

What makes display ads thrive is the fact that users think it’s convenient to visit a website where there is a product they want to purchase. 

You can achieve remarketing at a low cost which improves your ROI

Businesses average a PPC of 0.66% to 1.23% for remarketing. 

Compare that to the average CPC for display and search on Google, which is between $1 and $2 (search ads) and less than $1 (display ads).  

Of course, these numbers are just averages. You will not experience the same costs each time you launch an ad campaign. 

There are multiple factors that influence your remarketing costs. These include how much you’re bidding, who you’re targeting, your ad schedule, and more. 

Remarketing Isn’t Limited to Display and Social 

Remarketing campaigns provide advertisers with effective tools to track users who bounced. 

These campaigns can be categorized into 5 major types:

  1.  Standard Remarketing: Showing display ads to past visitors 
  2. Dynamic Remarketing: Displaying ads specifically designed for them
  3. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads allow you to search ad campaigns for visitors who landed your site in the past
  4. Email Remarketing: Serving display ads across multiple sites to people who open an email from you
  5. Video Remarketing: Showing visitors remarketing display ads they’ve seen before to reinforce your message. 

Twitter and Facebook Remarketing tools can be extremely rewarding

There are over 50 different ad types available on Facebook right now. This can frustrate some people. Remarketing, however, is pretty basic. 

For a rewarding ROI, you need to filter your remarketing pool. 

Next to any recent purchase history or interests, your remarketing pool contains and grow social media options that target a specific demographic. These include gender, age, job titles, events, and more. 

Businesses are gradually reallocating their budgets

46% of marketers think retargeting is the most under-used marketing technology.

It’s no wonder more businesses are reallocating their budgets towards remarketing; and why shouldn’t they?

Unlike standard ad campaigns, a retargeted ad reinforces its presence by subtle repetition until the target audience takes notice of it.

With remarketing as a strategy you can convert your PPC campaigns from good to excellent. What are your thoughts on remarketing? Have you been exposed to a remarketing ad that followed you wherever you went?