When to Use External Help to Boost Your Business


Your business is your brainchild. As such, many business owners are reluctant to open up their firms to external influences – and in many cases, that’s a wise move. Keeping your singular vision and direction as the key force that drives your firm is often not a bad thing. However, there remain moments when a little external help could serve to boost your business beyond what you alone are capable of delivering. This short article outlines the key moments when you should be prepared to let external professionals help you with your firm’s direction.


A founder or CEO should remain humble. Yes, you may have managed to build your business from scratch, but you will have done so with the help of other employees who could fill in your own skills gap. You might be a big-picture thinker, but you may lack when it comes to examining the fine detail of decisions. You may be an excellent strategist but poor at communications.

Recognizing where you might need some help on certain skills is a key trait that can help you get ahead, building a team that’s as equipped as possible to face future challenges and seize future opportunities. Be open to hiring talent where possible, including from consultants and agencies that work with outsourcing.

Professional Groups

Another asset for all business leaders is feedback. While those who work in senior roles at companies still have a boss to answer to and a boss to provide them with feedback, that’s not the case if you own and run a business. You’ll need to look for feedback from elsewhere, and often the best place to look in this regard is to professional groups of like-minded business leaders and keynote speakers.

Use a Mastermind Group of professionals to bounce ideas off and to have your business put under the spotlight from time to time. Joining one of these groups isn’t costly but could provide you with a huge amount of much-needed perspective to drive your future business success. Attending conferences and workshops to meet like-minded people is also a good way to establish a supportive network that can give you relevant and timely feedback.


Finally, it’s important to recognize that consultants are out there to help your firm, not to criticize it. Their job is to come into a business and to carefully pick over your practices and your productivity data in order to highlight areas that you might be lacking in. They’ve done it for dozens of businesses before you, and they’re likely aware of just what’s needed to boost your business.

If you feel that a consultant might not necessarily understand what you’re trying to achieve, you should look to a consultant who occupies your specific niche. While some consultants are brilliant for strategy, others are excellent at working within small niches and helping with key decisions that’ll help you boost your performance in the long run.

Open up to external influence, feedback, and advice in order to boost your business and take your firm to the next level.