What to look for in a good quality T-shirt


The best fabrics and printing methods are used to ensure excellent quality. Customizing and printing T-shirts may sound simple, but the process is actually quite complex. We have therefore created a guide to help you understand how to check for good quality T-shirts before you order them.

How about we asked you which T-shirt is your favorite? No doubt you have one, or maybe two, or perhaps even three, in your wardrobe. Regardless of how it is made, your relationship with your favourite T-shirt might only last until the honeymoon phase based on how it was made.

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that outside retailers are using printing techniques to reduce the life span of your apparel; leaving you with poorly constructed garments and causing design cracking, peeling, and discoloration. 

You should know that natural fibres usually last longer than synthetic ones before you select a garment. The fabric contains different expiration dates, so a polyblend T-shirt may look distorted over time. To ensure quality and long-term durability, businesses should choose garments made from 100% cotton.

Is not the shirt’s most handsome part its collar? The artwork is the most important element. As a hypothetical example, consider if DaVinci painted the Mona Lisa with acrylic paint instead of oil. Are you sure the French would be satisfied with that? 

I’m going to give you a cheat sheet for checking the quality of customized clothing, either to confirm the quality of the garment itself or to check the quality of the customization technique.

What to look for when checking the quality of a custom printed shirt

You will need this guide both after receiving your production samples and after unpacking your order. Before it is too late, it is better to know what to look out for when you are ordering custom T-shirts and garments. The last thing you want is to be seen as poorly dressed by stakeholders or customers. 

Get a handle on T-shirt and apparel customisation before you begin

There are several factors that affect the quality and durability of a customized garment: 

  • In the construction of apparel, fabrics are used.
  • Here’s how the specific printing and customization method was applied.
  • Find out what garment and production will work best for your printing project.

How about the material – what is the best material for a T-shirt?

Cotton-based garments are better for printing. They can also last longer than synthetic fabrics. It’s for this reason that materials made of blended materials lose their quality and shape faster since each of their components has a different expiration date. Despite this, cotton can offer excellent quality as well. 

Cotton comes in a variety of types. We’ve broken them down here. Fibers with longer lengths, as well as tighter woven fibres, provide clothing with a longer shelf life. Density and softness are the most important aspects of quality, not the thickness or weight of the material. It is therefore best to use cotton fabric that is both soft and firm at the same time rather than one that is heavy and thick. 

It is also possible to get good quality synthetic fibres. There are both good and bad natural textiles, just as there are good and bad synthetic textiles. You can also look for more info before making any decision.