Traditional metal braces: pros and cons


Most people know what traditional metal braces are—they’re the metal brackets and wires that many of us had on our teeth as kids. But are they still the best option for fixing crooked teeth? Here’s a look at the pros and cons of traditional metal braces.

5 pros of traditional metal braces

Suitable for all ages

Another benefit of traditional metal braces is that they’re suitable for kids and adults alike. While some people might prefer wearing clear aligners like Invisalign over the long term, these transparent trays aren’t ideal for teens and kids who are still growing. If your child’s teeth and jaw are still developing, he may need to get traditional metal braces—if you don’t mind the visual impact.

Relatively inexpensive

Traditional metal braces aren’t cheap, but they’re also often less expensive than clear aligner options like Invisalign. This is especially true when you factor in the price of regular visits to your orthodontist for adjustments and cleanings. Also worth mentioning: if you have dental insurance, you’ll probably pay less out-of-pocket with traditional metal braces compared with other types of braces because most insurance policies don’t offer much coverage for clear aligners.

They are durable

They are not prone to breaking or snapping. This is because they’re metallic and can’t be easily damaged. If you’re someone who’s rough on your belongings (or your teeth), traditional metal braces may be a better option for you.

Straighten teeth quickly and effectively

Traditional metal braces are highly effective at straightening teeth in a relatively short period of time. While the amount of time it takes to achieve a straighter smile varies from person to person, most people see results within 6-18 months when wearing traditional metal braces.

4 cons of traditional metal braces


If appearance is important to you, traditional metal braces aren’t the best option. They’re usually rather small, but they’re still fairly visible when you smile—even with a mouthful of braces. For some people, this isn’t a big deal—and for others, it’s a deal breaker. If you don’t want something that shows, clear aligners like Invisalign or removable aligners may be a better bet.

Regular check-ups and adjustment appointments required

Another downside of traditional metal braces? You’ll have to visit your orthodontist regularly for teeth adjustments and regular cleanings throughout your treatment. If you hate going to the dentist because it takes up a lot of your time, traditional metal braces may not be the best option for you.

Can cause tooth pain and discomfort

One common complaint about traditional metal braces is that they can be uncomfortable to wear, especially in the beginning. This is because the brackets and wires on your teeth can rub against your gums and cause discomfort. While this usually goes away after a few weeks, it’s something to keep in mind if you’re considering traditional metal braces.

Take longer than other types of braces to straighten teeth

Traditional metal braces are often slower at straightening teeth than other types of braces like Invisalign. If you’re looking for a faster fix, you may want to consider another type of braces.

Overall, traditional metal braces have a few clear pros and cons when compared to other types of teeth straighteners such as Invisible Aligners. Check out the price of Invisalign in Sydney today. If you’re still trying to decide if traditional metal braces are the right choice for you, be sure to consult with your orthodontist to get their professional opinion.