SOLE SOURCING VS SINGLE SOURCING (Differences and Preferences)


What is Sole Sourcing? 

Sole sourcing is a procurement strategy in which a buyer selects a single supplier or vendor to fulfill a specific requirement without soliciting competitive bids or proposals from other potential suppliers. In sole sourcing, the buyer determines that there is only one supplier capable of meeting their specific needs due to factors such as proprietary technology, unique expertise, or specialized products.

What is Single Sourcing?

Single sourcing is a procurement strategy in which a buyer deliberately chooses to work with a single supplier for a particular category of goods or services, even though there may be multiple potential suppliers available.

Is Sole Sourcing the Same as Single Sourcing?

No, sole sourcing and single sourcing are not the same. sole sourcing is driven by limited alternatives and immediate needs, while single sourcing is a deliberate choice made even when other options are available. Sole sourcing may be a temporary solution, whereas single sourcing often involves long-term partnerships and strategic considerations.

Example of Sole Sourcing

Let’s say a pharmaceutical company is in need of a specific raw material that is crucial for the production of a life-saving drug. This raw material is proprietary and can only be obtained from a single supplier due to its unique composition and manufacturing process. The pharmaceutical company conducts research and determines that no other supplier in the market can provide an equivalent raw material that meets their quality and regulatory requirements.

In this scenario, the pharmaceutical company would engage in sole sourcing by procuring the raw material exclusively from the single supplier capable of providing it. They would not seek competitive bids or proposals from other potential suppliers because there is no alternative supplier capable of meeting their specific needs.

Example of Single Sourcing

A manufacturing company that specializes in electronic components decides to implement a single sourcing strategy for a specific category of components, such as microprocessors. Although there are several potential suppliers in the market offering microprocessors, the company decides to establish a long-term partnership with a single supplier.

The company carefully evaluates different suppliers based on factors such as quality, reliability, pricing, technical support, and alignment with their specific requirements. After a thorough assessment, they select a supplier that consistently delivers high-quality microprocessors, offers competitive pricing, has a strong track record of reliability, and provides excellent technical support.

Difference between Sole Sourcing and Single Sourcing

Sole Sourcing Vs Single Sourcing

Availability of Alternatives

Sole sourcing: Sole sourcing is employed when there is a limited number of suppliers available, often due to factors like proprietary technology, unique expertise, or specialized products. It is used when no other viable options exist.

Single sourcing: Single sourcing occurs even when multiple potential suppliers are available. The decision to single source is based on strategic considerations such as long-term partnerships, collaboration, or leveraging economies of scale.

Supplier Relationship:

Sole sourcing: Sole sourcing does not necessarily imply a long-term or strategic relationship with the supplier. It may be a temporary or emergency solution based on the immediate need for a specific supplier’s capabilities.

Single sourcing: Single sourcing often involves establishing a long-term partnership or strategic relationship with the selected supplier. It aims to build closer collaboration, trust, and mutual benefits over an extended period.

Competition and Risk:

Sole sourcing: Sole sourcing carries the risk of limited competition, potentially resulting in higher costs, reduced innovation, and reduced negotiation leverage. It may be suitable when there are no alternatives, but it carries inherent risks.

Single sourcing: Single sourcing carries the risk of dependence on a single supplier, creating vulnerabilities in the supply chain. However, it can offer advantages such as improved quality, better communication, streamlined processes, and potential cost savings through economies of scale.

Which Is Better? Sole sourcing or single sourcing?

Sole sourcing or single sourcing both are being used. Depending on the specific circumstances, requirements, and objectives of the organization. Both strategies have their merits and potential drawbacks. Organizations must carefully evaluate factors such as supplier capabilities, market conditions, risk tolerance, cost considerations, and the availability of alternative sources before deciding on the most appropriate sourcing strategy