Salesforce NPSP Integration Guide: Connect All Your Systems with Omatic Cloud


The Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack is constituent relationship management software that has more built-in connectivity than most legacy data management systems for nonprofits. Levels of integration support in Raiser’s Edge vs Salesforce aside, cloud-based integration software can ensure that you have access to the data you need on the platforms where it can do the most good. Find out how Omatic Cloud enables nonprofits to connect systems to Salesforce NPSP.

Why You Should Consider Integrating Your Marketing Systems

Marketing systems are essential platforms to connect to Salesforce for Nonprofits. From using contact names, addresses and preferences stored in CRM records to updating Salesforce NPSP databases with engagement data, a bidirectional integration between platforms can improve fundraising outcomes. Connecting these systems requires solutions for including and updating external data in contact records. 

None of the systems at a nonprofit operate in isolation. Donation data is another essential part of the larger equation. For instance, it is helpful to use segmentation functions in a centralized database or a connected CRM to reach out to lapsed donors. Unlike Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce NPSP does not have built-in fundraising support. The most successful nonprofits integrate both marketing and fundraising systems with Salesforce for Nonprofits or other CRMs. 

Benefits Of Connecting Your Systems withIOmatic Cloud

Omatic is a data integration solution that is cloud-based like Salesforce NPSP. This software allows staff to access important data from any location, which also applies to licensed Salesforce for Nonprofits users. Omatic can create connections between Salesforce and many web-based platforms for fundraising, engagement and marketing that nonprofits use online.

The benefits of setting up an integration solution for the systems in use at a nonprofit start with the ability to do a manual or automated NPSP data import. Based on how data needs to move through systems to support organizational workflows, bidirectional connections can be established through the Connector for Marketing Cloud. This integration software also offers the benefit of improving record completeness and providing deduplication.

How To Pursue Salesforce NPSP Integration

The best way to pursue integrations is to sign up for an software demo to see more of the options that are available for connecting the platforms you use. Integration software can be helpful for connecting Salesforce with the popular fundraising system Classy as well as email marketing platforms such as Emma and Mailchimp.

Salesforce NPSP differs from Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge in its support for integrations. Although many platforms have individual integrations available through this system, the best way to increase the availability of data on the systems where it is needed most is to take a more comprehensive approach to integration with Omatic.

Cloud-based integration software is the best way to integrate Salesforce NPSP with any third-party platforms a nonprofit uses for accounting, engagement, fundraising and marketing. Omatic supports automated or manual bidirectional imports and exports across Salesforce NPSP and many other systems used in this sector. Stakeholders who are seeking better data management systems for nonprofits should consider using a platform designed to meet the unique operational needs of organizations that operate on a not-for-profit basis.

The Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack is constituent relationship management software that has more built-in connectivity than most legacy data management systems for nonprofits. Levels of integration support in Raiser’s Edge vs Salesforce aside, cloud-based integration software can ensure that you have access to the data you need on the platforms where it can do the most good. Find out how Omatic Cloud enables nonprofits to connect systems to Salesforce NPSP.

Why You Should Consider Integrating Your Marketing Systems

Marketing systems are essential platforms to connect to Salesforce for Nonprofits. From using contact names, addresses and preferences stored in CRM records to updating Salesforce NPSP databases with engagement data, a bidirectional integration between platforms can improve fundraising outcomes. Connecting these systems requires solutions for including and updating external data in contact records. 

None of the systems at a nonprofit operate in isolation. Donation data is another essential part of the larger equation. For instance, it is helpful to use segmentation functions in a centralized database or a connected CRM to reach out to lapsed donors. Unlike Raiser’s Edge, Salesforce NPSP does not have built-in fundraising support. The most successful nonprofits integrate both marketing and fundraising systems with Salesforce for Nonprofits or other CRMs. 

Benefits Of Connecting Your Systems withIOmatic Cloud

Omatic is a data integration solution that is cloud-based like Salesforce NPSP. This software allows staff to access important data from any location, which also applies to licensed Salesforce for Nonprofits users. Omatic can create connections between Salesforce and many web-based platforms for fundraising, engagement and marketing that nonprofits use online.

The benefits of setting up an integration solution for the systems in use at a nonprofit start with the ability to do a manual or automated NPSP data import. Based on how data needs to move through systems to support organizational workflows, bidirectional connections can be established through the Connector for Marketing Cloud. This integration software also offers the benefit of improving record completeness and providing deduplication.

How To Pursue Salesforce NPSP Integration

The best way to pursue integrations is to sign up for an software demo to see more of the options that are available for connecting the platforms you use. Integration software can be helpful for connecting Salesforce with the popular fundraising system Classy as well as email marketing platforms such as Emma and Mailchimp.

Salesforce NPSP differs from Blackbaud Raiser’s Edge in its support for integrations. Although many platforms have individual integrations available through this system, the best way to increase the availability of data on the systems where it is needed most is to take a more comprehensive approach to integration with Omatic.

Cloud-based integration software is the best way to integrate Salesforce NPSP with any third-party platforms a nonprofit uses for accounting, engagement, fundraising and marketing. Omatic supports automated or manual bidirectional imports and exports across Salesforce NPSP and many other systems used in this sector. Stakeholders who are seeking better data management systems for nonprofits should consider using a platform designed to meet the unique operational needs of organizations that operate on a not-for-profit basis.