Are you looking to jumpstart your business Prosperity? Learn to Pivot.


Business plans are similar to mines for gold. Miners began with just an educated idea of the area, and then draw streams, then pan and sort through endless heaps of dirt. Prospecting is mostly gone, but it’s an excellent illustration of how business leaders approach the problem, work on it, improve it and constantly revisit and adjust to the point of cutting away the most important aspects of their businesses. This skill is known as the intellectual range of motion which is one of a business leader’s most crucial tools, especially in the case of selling your knowledge.

Peloton is an example. It is continuing to demonstrate this kind of intellectual flexibility. Although it has had its fair share of problems with its subscription growth, lower as well as stock redemption issues, as well as a series of layoffs Peloton displays a willingness to experiment and shift directions.

Presently, Peloton has 5 million customers and is valued at $3 billion. Yet, despite a the brand’s significant equity in its name, Peloton is substantially changing its business model. Peloton is making a mess of the service-based as opposed to. product-based business and rolling out an “Fitness as an Service” service where users can use Peloton’s trainers and instructors without having to purchase the bike itself.

Intelligent Range Of Motion Is A Powerful Tool

The amount to the extent to which the idea can be altered by the entrepreneur’s imagination and intuition is within their intellectual horizon of motion. The wide range of motion allows entrepreneurs to transform the idea in to a profitable growth opportunity. Contrary to this, those in companies with limited intellectual capabilities can’t see an opportunity due to the limitations to their creativity.

The intellectual flexibility is more valuable in the creation of a business that provides services as it is in the product industry. The reason for this is since services are more adaptable than products. In the case of modifying the product to make use of a new opportunity could require the sourcing of the right raw materials changing the layout of the assembly process, changing software code, implementing the manufacturing process from scratch and many more. When it comes to services there is nothing to do this therefore the time from the idea to its execution is determined in days, and sometimes even hours.

As a founder of my own I have diversified my company by expanding my intellectual range of motion. The industry which I work in business mastermind groups, is over 200 years old, with only a few hundred companies. The majority of these companies are horizontal, which means they don’t serve an industry that is a particular vertical. My firm, on contrary, has only one specific industry: the professional services sector.

This particular area of expertise has been appealing to many and allowed our business to expand consistently. The idea behind this kind of differentiation came from in another industry entirely: SaaS. The software industry has grown and many of the profitable SaaS businesses today specialize in vertical industries. I thought this might work in the community of business masterminds and it is. Finding a winning method in an industry, and then being able to successfully transfer it to an entirely different industry is one example of the intellectual flexibility.

Strategies To Increase The Range Of Motion In Your Brain


Entrepreneurs and founders who wish to improve their cognitive ranges of motion there are several crucial actions to consider:

Ask: What Is The World Really Need From Me In The Moment?

This issue is not often asked. The reason why this question is not addressed is that business owners get into a routine of delivering the same thing they’ve always done. Due to the advantages of the experience curve the more frequently a business offers an service that is less frequent, the lower price and the better the margin. The business owners are motivated by the profit they make and will not stop an income- generating service line until it is absolutely necessary. In the end, they tend to knit too long, and are unable to see opportunities. In time, this habit limits one’s ability to think in movement.

Blockbuster Video once provided us with an incredible service that allowed us to watch hit films at home and rented. They used VHS tapes, but they didn’t have mail-order DVDs as well as video streaming. They were insolvent and today we every day binge-watch Netflix content. Blockbuster Video no longer fit the market. The market was evolving to the services that were offered to them and then, ultimately, into fully electronic and customized streaming platforms. This is something that founders in professional service companies must ask themselves regularly in order to remain in the game in the marketplace, however the lessons are applicable to large businesses such as Blockbuster too.

Find Wasted Resources In The Legacy Processes

Legacy Processes

The most common reason why the reason that new ideas that can create breakthrough growth opportunities aren’t explored is because entrepreneurs believe they lack the resources. But the resources they require are accessible and they are only occupied with their existing operations.

The older service offerings are prime for improvement. Entrepreneurs should explore ways that to ensure that these services can be offered with smaller resources. These resources that are now free could be devoted to today’s wild concept that could later become the golden goose of tomorrow.

Create A Roadmap For Future Offerings

It is ideal to arrange the roadmap for offering services by setting boundaries. The business of today and tomorrow are constantly competing to get scarce resources. There is only a certain amount of money, time and expertise to be had. Without an organized plan of action by time limits and time limits, the current business is able to win the battle for resources. A plan will ensure that the future business has the resources it requires.

Business executives looking to boost their business’s success or even maintain itor simply maintain it – should consider how they can increase their cognitive mobility. In the long run they may hit gold.