Features and Key Points to Consider For Construction Business Mobile Apps


As a lot of money is at stake, industries like construction need to keep up with the latest technological changes. Automation has simplified company procedures and made them less prone to mistakes. A perfect way to deal with technology is by smartphone applications. To understand which business concepts might be an ideal addition to your construction company, we consulted our business analysis expert.

Before we speak about these ideas for creating construction apps, we can see some facts and figures globally about the construction industry.

  • The average growth rate in the global building market was 8.3 percent since 2014, and in 2018 it reached a value of approximately $12.558.2 billion.
  • The value is expected to rise by nearly $18,775.3 billion in CAGR by 10.6 percent by 2022.
  • Total construction spending in 2014 was $9.5 trillion, which is scheduled to rise to $14 trillion by 2025, as seen in the graph.
  • Asia-Pacific is the primary building sector with about 42% of the global market.
  • China, Japan, India, Australia, USA, Brazil, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and Russia are the top eight competitors representing about 28% of the overall market in 2018.
  • Building activity is gaining pace, not just in Western Europe. The region’s production will grow on average by 2.4 percent a year in 2018-2022, an increase from 1.1 percent in 2013-2017.

Construction Management App

Murphy’s law will apply while creating a mobile app. Therefore, businesses must opt for reliable construction app development services. There is still a lot of money at stake, which makes management an absolute necessity. Building management software for architects and contractors helps to run all building activities smoothly.

Using an app for construction management, you can handle tasks, schedules, blueprints, development, problems, and other activities. 

Moreover, using mobile construction applications, you can also create reports and approximate construction costs. 

Key features of a construction project management app include. 

  • Add new projects and Plan

The best thing about such a construction project management app is that you can simultaneously incorporate and manage several projects. New programs and the action plan to follow should be added so that those involved can remain informed.

  • Manage workers

Using this app, you can even delegate tasks to your workers so that everyone thoroughly has an idea about their duties. You can also monitor employee attendance to handle work and leave using the app.

  • Manage documents

Without wasting paper, important documents such as blueprints can be exchanged with each other. Punch lists can be handled. See the list of problems. Also, the app will remind you of the expiry and extension of the contract.

  • Generate reports 

The app will create paperless reports that can be circulated to be on the same page with other team members. It is possible to track these construction site reports of work and determine whether to make any changes.

  • Construction calculation

This software may also have features of a building calculator app and help calculate the construction cost. To determine a schedule, this will aid further in calculating expenses.

Other features must include:

  • The app should have characteristics of contact that promote collaboration between both the field and the back office.
  • In the app, real-time project information should be accessible so that project managers can see the necessary data when on the ground.
  • The app should have robust functionality for reporting.
  • The dashboard should be customizable for users.
  • File sharing and monitoring changes should be possible between the back office and the PM on the ground.
  • With the app, budget control should be possible. PMs should be able to enter data for transactions. They should be able to enter forecasts and get projections as well.
  • A professional-looking ‘User Interface’ (UI) is essential, making sure that it is tested before launching the product.
  • The app must support key mobile platforms like Android and iOS.
  • Construction ventures are of high importance, so the organization is open to details relating to them. Useful security features should be available in the mobile app.
  • Other key features that a building PM would require from the app include logging diary entries, entering timesheets, clogging up forms, or attaching photos to show project status.

Managing a Construction App Development Project

To monitor and track the project, an Agile project requires an effective methodology. You ought to use the technique of ‘Scrum.’ You may need to create a cohesive yet cross-functional team with this technique.

The project team needs the following abilities:

  • Business analysts;
  • UI/UX designers;
  • iOS and Android developers;
  • Testers;
  • A project manager (PM).

A ‘Product owner’ (PO) in a document called ‘Product backlog’ provides the app’s functionality. The scrum team estimates the functionality. Stakeholders in the project allocate goals to these characteristics. These types of inputs, i.e., iterations, to plan ‘Sprints.’ The ‘Sprint preparation meeting‘ is the name of this planning sprint method.

The team holds a status meeting during the execution of a sprint, and it’s called the ‘Daily stand-up meeting.’ In this meeting, the group addresses the project status. In this meeting, the scrum master gets a grip on the project problems and tries to fix them.

The team holds a ‘Sprint analysis meeting’ when the characteristics have been developed and evaluated. Here, the elements are illustrated—the project stakeholders review features. If the features follow the requirements, they approve the sprint.

The Cost Of Building a Construction App

You need to estimate the manpower cost of production, which depends on your characteristics. For the price of their DevOps toolset, you can contact top app developers and get in touch with them to navigate the requirements that fit your budget. 

Multiple API resources are likely to be consumed when handling a sophisticated construction app. You would need to get a development partner involved. It all starts with hiring the right mobile app development company for the construction business that also follows the due diligence without affecting quality.