How can you buy followers on Instagram and leverage your business profile during COVID-19?


COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has affected the business landscape immensely. From job cuts, office shutdowns, stores closed for days to sporadic office operations, both the economy and business firms are trying hard to recuperate from the initial and ongoing loss due to the pandemic. Partial lock downs and social distancing are the current norms that everyone has to follow. And that doesn’t leave much scope for planning outdoor events, client meetings, face-to-face customer interaction, and other external promotional activities. Online marketing and promotion have taken a center stage now, where Instagram plays a crucial role.

Instagram was initially created as a platform to share images. Today, Instagram has become globally popular with an ever-increasing follower base and unique app features. Marketers and brands are continually using this social media platform to connect with potential customers and reach out to them with their products and services. It is also a platform that helps them tap into the customers’ and market pulse and decide their branding, marketing, and promotional activities accordingly. And during the COVID-19 pandemic, Instagram has been a popular medium for brands and business entrepreneurs to stay afloat with online activities and increase their follower base.

How to buy followers on Instagram during COVID-19?

Brands and organizations need to work towards growing their follower base on Instagram. Several steps will help you to maximize the follower base organically. But during the COVID-19 phase, where there is a chance of brands losing out on sales and followers, it’s wise to buy followers on Instagram. Do you want to purchase about 50 to 100 followers on Instagram? If yes, you can browse online and come across service providers who will help you with the process. It’s smart to start with a conservative number of follower buys; else it might seem questionable to others. Compare the service providers and choose the one best for you.

Leverage your business profile during COVID-19 on Instagram

Currently, the challenge for brands is to stay functional. Aggressive sales campaigns will not gain many profits in any way, and it might disappoint your audience. Also, most followers and customers spend more time in their house because of “stay at home orders,” which increases their social media browsing time. That means they will have the time to browse through your content and share it if they connect with and like it.

Do you want to make the most of the situation and leverage the scenario?

Here are a few social media marketing strategies you can execute during the COVID-19 phase.

  1. Ask questions to customers.

You owe a huge part of your success to your audience. Hence, perceptions and viewpoints matter the most. You can make a post asking your audience about the suggestions you can follow to enhance your customer service, service, and products. Your customers are eager to share their views. When they feel heard and acknowledged, they are likely to stick around with your brand and even make few purchases during this pandemic phase. Additionally, you can also make use of the feedback and reviews as meaningful insights for your next brand building and marketing campaign once the pandemic is over.

  1. Share useful inside stories.

Every product or service has a story behind it. You can share these stories through interesting posts letting your followers know what made you conceptualize a specific product or service. It will help customers understand your brand story, brand philosophy, objective, and mission. Customers and followers are always searching for a personal point of connection with their best brands.You can use brand storytelling as a medium to establish a relationship.It will help you attain loyal customers and draw in more online users and followers.

  1. Post-high-quality pictures.

Image posts are frequent on Instagram. And good-quality pictures get you more likes and followers on Instagram. You need to organize for product photo-shoots and share the high-resolution images with original content as your social media posts. It will act as a promotional post and attract new online users as well. Also, sharing high-resolution photos on your Instagram profile will add a professional touch to the business profile.

  1. Share safety protocols with unique content.

The pandemic outbreak has made everyone apprehensive and nervous. Short videos about following safety protocols and sanitization rules during the pandemic outbreak are common. The challenge here is how uniquely and quickly you can make people realize the importance of wearing a mask, sanitizing surfaces, and washing hands. If you can add a creative and fun spin to this, people would love to repeatedly watch the video. It will help you to increase your video views and also your follower counts during the pandemic phase.

COVID-19 has led to several business and market instabilities. Brands need to make the best of the situation and opt-in for online marketing activities. If you want to add value to your Instagram profile, the above pointers can help you in the task.