15 Fun Ways To Teach Your Kids Arabic


There are a variety of entertaining and interesting ways to educate a child Arabic.

The initial step in teaching your child Arabic may appear difficult. However, you might be astonished at how quickly children learn new languages. All it takes is a little willpower on your part.

Here are 15 fun ways to teach your kids Arabic

1- Keep Notes

Keep a journal to track your child’s progress in school. Begin by writing down why you want your child to learn Arabic in the notebook.

2- Start Early and Be Patient

Keep in mind that children have the ability to acquire new languages at a young age, and that, according to researchers, the sooner you begin, the better. If your youngster is older than the “cut off age” of seven years, don’t worry. With sufficient effort and determination, older children can still learn.

3- Start With The Alphabet

Begin with the Arabic alphabet, which is the most fundamental building component.

4. Use Language Resources

Take advantage of free resources, such as Arabic Kids channels on YouTube and Arabic learning materials on Pinterest. Tracing sheets may be found quickly using any search engine. Brands such as Torjoman are a great provider of all kinds of language services, if you need translation services in Abu Dhabi

5- Listen to Arabic music. 

Children have an easy time picking up and repeating tunes. Also, play Arabic nursery rhymes for them.

6- Speak to them in Arabic more often. 

Don’t be concerned that they won’t comprehend or become perplexed. For example, you can practice repeating the same line in both languages until you can only pronounce it in Arabic. When referring to objects, utilize more Arabic nouns.

7- Involve Other Adults

If at all feasible, plan play dates with Arabic-speaking youngsters or connect with adults who share your language.

8- Travel to an Arabic-speaking country. 

Many people believe that this is the most effective method of language acquisition.

9- Tell them stories in Arabic. 

Yes, you should read in Arabic. Don’t be hesitant to do so. Start with simple picture books and work your way up to more difficult ones.

10- Play Arabic games. 

Purchase Arabic language flashcards or print some from the internet, for example. Play the game “Find the Letter” or the animal that corresponds. You have a lot of options when it comes to game types.

11- Repetition, repetition, repetition. 

Every day, sing along with your child to the alphabet songs.

12- Practice

It is said that practice makes perfect. Encourage them to trace and write the letters as much as possible.

13- Encourage Them

Give them tiny gifts or stickers as a reward. Encourage them all of the time.

14- Don’t Be Harsh

When they make mistakes, don’t be too harsh on them. Be persistent and patient.

15- Have Fun

Last but not least, have as much fun as possible. Learning will be more fun as a result of this.

How to Help Your Kids Master A Language Faster

Learning a language can be extremely beneficial to your child’s future success. It develops their communication skills and prepares them for travels and a career overseas by strengthening CVs and bolstering college applications. It may even help them to think more clearly and protect them against dementia later in life.

There are various things you can do to assist your child acquire a new language faster once you’ve helped them determine whatever language they’re interested in.

1. Speak it out loud.

If you’re already bilingual or multilingual, speak to your child as soon as possible in the languages you already know. Children are introduced to the concept of multilingualism early in life and in a very natural way through continuous exposure.

An early start to language learning is also beneficial because it makes it easier for children to pick up new language skills later in life – they will see multilingualism as natural, will have a foundation in the new language’s sounds and flow, and will even have a basic foundation for learning a new language from scratch.

A little active learning can go a long way – and set the tone for a positive relationship with language learning for life – in addition to the passive learning they are exposed to if you speak the language at home.

Try practicing fun vocab exercises with your child in the evening with child-friendly flashcards or language learning apps to incorporate new languages into your daily life.

2. Assist them in sticking to a schedule

With older children, more deliberate practice is required, and as a parent, you can help your child develop good learning habits.

Because practice makes perfect, it’s critical that your child sits down to practice writing, enhance comprehension, and review class notes on a regular basis. Repetition aids memory, and children’s learning habits have been shown to respond well to structure.

If you can fit an hour or two into each day, it will soak in far more quickly than if they only interact with the language once or twice a week.

3. Hide their face in a book

Children’s books are chock-full of varied but simple vocabulary, as well as the fundamentals of language structure and grammar – in other words, they’re ideal for learning a new language.

Reading books in the language they are learning is an exceptionally powerful technique to make progress every day since tiny children have a natural love of reading – and enjoy it when their parents read to them.

Older children may require more encouragement, but it is critical that they supplement their learning with active reading in the target language if the new language is to be retained. As their foreign language reading skills improve, make sure kids have access to foreign editions of works they already enjoy, such as Harry Potter.

4. Find a new TV show to watch.

Try converting screen time into another source of language exposure (we guarantee it won’t be difficult).

If you have tiny children, consider adjusting the language options on their favorite Netflix show. Most shows are available in various languages, and children who have already been exposed to that language will find it easier to follow their favorite show in a foreign language than you may imagine — children are more patient and receptive to pain than adults are.

Look for famous shows or sitcoms in the language you want your kids to learn.  Sitting down to watch a 20-minute show of typical conversation in a foreign language on a regular basis can help them learn to follow spoken discourse and introduce them to colloquialisms and slang.

5. Send them to another country

We’re not talking about buying them a one-way plane ticket and waving them off at the airport with tears in their eyes; we’re talking about enrolling them in a language course overseas during their summer vacation or any other time off during the year.

Even a few weeks spent living and learning a language in a place where it is a native language can accelerate their progress and motivate them to put more effort into it. This is especially crucial for teenagers who may lose motivation if they don’t realize the genuine benefits of learning a new language, such as making new friends from all over the world.

Why Should Your Kids Learn Their Native Language

Children with several ethnic backgrounds or upbringings are no longer uncommon in today’s world of increased intersectionality and diversity, and this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. When it comes to educational and social development, children who have grown up in an environment where they have been exposed to multiple languages have a unique route ahead of them.

Exposure to such diversity at an early age can be extremely advantageous in developing open-minded and diversified children, but it can also be confusing and lead to a loss of identity and belonging in the child. Learning one’s original language, especially in early life, can help to combat this.

Maintaining Cultural Heritage

Children feel a sense of belonging when they have strong roots in their cultural background. Fluency in their mother tongue allows them to better understand their origins and why it is such a vital component of their identity.

Maintaining one’s language and culture in a grey, globalized world sets them different. You can teach children to be proud of their ancestors so that they can pass it on and continue the process.

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Maintaining Contact with Family Members

Grandparents and other family members in your home country may not be able to communicate in English. It’s critical to maintain open lines of communication, especially if you have a tight relationship with your immediate and extended family.

If you’re from India but live in the United Kingdom, for example, your parents may not speak a word of English. Your child will be able to speak with and bond with their grandparents if you teach them their native language.

Intellectual and Academic Capacity 

Development Studies demonstrate that children who study more than one language as a kid exhibit indicators of improved general intellectual development and critical thinking abilities.

They can develop greater executive control of their brain, especially in their early years of life. They are able to think, analyze, and process information in a variety of languages, as well as comprehend multiple contextual meanings. They have a far easier time forming sentences and expressing themselves.

Learning a New Language

Learning another language becomes considerably easier for a child who is fluent in multiple languages. In terms of pronunciation and phonetics, they have a broader language aptitude.


Learning communal languages such as English is crucial, but maintaining your mother tongue has numerous advantages that will only help your child become a better thinker and student with a deeper knowledge and connection to their roots. A transcription service will facilitate this learning process. Torjoman makes it easier to teach your kids any language you want.