Taking Care Of A Pharaoh Hound


Do you have a Pharaoh Hound, or are you planning to get one, but you don’t know what you should know about them or how to properly take care of them? Well, worry no more! This article will provide you with information and proper methods on how to take care of this dog breed.

The Pharaoh Hound is a Maltese breed that originated in ancient Egypt. These dogs are also known as “Kelb tal-Fenek,” and they were traditionally hunting dogs that preyed on rabbits. This dog breed is more than 5,000 years old, which makes them one of the oldest domestic dogs still alive! Plus, these dogs were also known anciently to hunt side by side with pharaohs, which is why they’re called Pharaoh Hounds. Their common colors are chestnut, golden red, and tan. And their lifespan ranges from 10-15 years. 

Although they may appear intimidating and scary, these dogs are actually patient, affectionate, and friendly with children and their fellow dogs! They are also known to be energetic and trainable, and they don’t bark frequently. However, they may have the weird trait of eating poop, and you might wonder if eating poop is normal for your dog. Well, this is actually pretty common for Pharaoh Hounds. But nevertheless, these dogs are reliable and certainly will be good companions!

Here are the things you should know about Pharaoh Hounds when taking care of them:

  • Exercise and Training

Just like any other dog, Pharaoh Hounds also need exercises to help their muscles become more developed and their bodies healthier. It’s encouraged that you let your dog exercise at least three times a day, and one of the best exercise activities for them is to let them run. Walking them on a leash excites them as well, so go spend time with your Pharaoh Hound by going for a walk in the park or letting them run around the yard!

Training pharaoh hounds is also important to make them into obedient dogs. These dogs also tend to be scared of harsh voices, so if you train them, make sure that you’re patient. These dogs are smart, so it’s guaranteed that the process of training them won’t be so difficult!

  • Grooming

Pharaoh hounds have short, naturally clean coats and usually have no dog odor. Which is why bathing them frequently won’t be necessary. Just bathe them, depending on whether they’re smelly or dirty! But if not, just take time to clean their fur with a brush or a damp cloth to help maintain their neatness. However, trimming their nails and cleaning their ears are important to help protect them from infections and dirt building up in their paws. Another thing to remember is to check their fur on a regular basis for fleas or ticks!

  • Meal Time

You don’t need to feed your Pharaoh Hound frequently when they’re an adult. Feeding twice a day, during the day and at night, is sufficient! However, Pharaoh Hound puppies may need a lot more food. Make certain that their meals meet their daily nutritional requirements, and keep an eye on what they eat in case their meals contain prohibited toxic food for dogs!  

  • Health

Just like any other dog breeds, these dogs are also prone to bacterial infections and diseases such as rabies and parvo. But don’t worry because letting them acquire annual vaccines and bringing them to the vet regularly for checkups can protect them from illnesses. Furthermore, Pharaoh Hounds are also prone to luxating patella, also known as slipping kneecaps. This bone problem is a kneecap that has been dislocated from its normal position. This curable bone problem can be discomforting to your dog when not treated.

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