Can you make a shotgun shell holder by yourself?


    I’m going to show you how to create a side-saddle shotgun shell holder today. This shell holder can accommodate up to six molle shotgun shell holders. However, you can easily make changes/modifications to fit your individual needs.

    Step 1: Prepare the Materials

    The following are the materials you will require: 

    – drill press with a variety of flathead screwdriver sizes 

    – approximately two feet of 3/4-inch scheduling 40 PVC 

    – a saw/cutting equipment of some sort 

    – sandpaper or even a file (I used to use a handsaw) 

    – glue gun (hot) 

    – Something to connect molle shotgun shell holders to as a backstop. Plastic, light metal, or a cutting board might all be used. Basically, anything hard and flat. (I used a 1/8th inch thick plastic laminate plexiglass piece.) 

    – a shell from a shotgun 

    – 6 tiny screws (or more)

    – a microwave oven a secure plate, similar to a cookie tray 

    – safety glasses 

    – patience and time 

    – velcro (Optional)

    Step 2: Start Building

    Are We Able to Construct It? Yes, we are capable!

    To begin, measure your shells and remove roughly a quarter of an inch from the total. The length of shell holders will be this. My shotgun shells, for example, are 2 3/4 inches tall, so I deduct a quarter-inch and get 2 1/2 inches. Now, on your 3/4-inch PVC pipe, make six-segment marks. Remove the pipe segments now.

    Step 3: Cut Some More

    Now that the segments (there must be 6) have been cut out, we can start chopping the “channels” inside the pipe. It’s entirely up to you how big or small the notches should be. I opted for a quarter-inch thickness. Cut 1 line all the way the pipe sidewall with your hacksaw, then cut the next line. The shred of pipe should be able to fall out.

    Step 4 : Forming

    Preheat the oven at 210 degrees Fahrenheit -Once the stove is hot, place one of the PVC sections (that you just sliced) on a baking sheet. -Bake the segments in the oven one at a time for around 2 minutes each. This softens the plastic enough to mold around the shells without making it too hot to handle. -wrap the plastic over the shell securely with gloves or perhaps an oven mitt and apply a lot of pressure.

    Step 5: Painting

    If you’d like, you can paint it. Blue was the color I chose. Why not, after all? I hope this information was useful. And have a great day.

    Step 6: Screwing

    Take a very little drillbit, one that is at least as small as the thread of your screw. Cut “pilot” hole in the PVC sections’ middles. -Next, refute the holes you previously drilled with a power drill that is identical in size to the heads of your screws. This indicates you’re drilling a second hole halfway through PVC over the top of the pilot hole. It should be just deep enough to hold the screw head flush, but not all the completely through. -After that, put your screws in place…. -Finally, cut off any additional screw bits that protrude from the back of the item.

    Step 7: Velcro 

    Put your velcro on the back of a shell holder (try to hide the cut screws) and on your pistol.

    Take your velcro and stick it to the backside of the shell holder (attempt to hide the chopped screws), as well as your rifle.

    Step 8: You’re Finished!

    You have the option of painting it if you really desire. Mine was painted blue. After all, why not?!  I hope this information is useful. And have a fantastic day!