According to the most recent usage figures and market share data published on, PHP is now used by more than 81 percent of websites. PHP’s popularity is clearly greater than that of other widely used web technologies such as Java, ASP.NET, Python, and ColdFusion. Additionally, the PHP development team recently released PHP 7.0.0, which features improved performance, decreased memory use, and stable 64-bit support. Thus, you should often start using PHP for web application creation in order to benefit from a variety of advantages. Web Development India is one of the best PHP development company India  that you can choose to develop your custom web applications on Laravel PHP Framework.

Recognize the Benefits of Using PHP to Develop Web Applications

Integrated Web Development Features: Unlike other modern programming languages, PHP was purpose-built for web development from the start. As a result, it includes the features necessary for developing a number of websites and web applications. For example, you can use PHP’s built-in classes and functions to perform common web development tasks and operations. Additionally, you can call functions and classes from anywhere in the code. If you’re looking for a top website development company India then get in touch with  Web Development India developers via email or phone and we’ll be happy to get you there.

PHP is currently platform-independent, supporting major operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and UNIX. As a result, web applications written in PHP run smoothly across a wide variety of platforms. Simultaneously, you can install PHP applications on a variety of common web servers, including Apache, IIS, Personal Web server, Netscape, and iPlanet. As a result, you can begin creating PHP-based web applications without thinking about deployment and hosting options.

Working with Common Databases: Nowadays, the majority of web applications need the ability to rapidly and easily access and distribute vast amounts of data. As a result, companies desire to use the best database possible in the backend world. PHP is compatible with a number of common database systems, including MySQL, ODBC, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Interbase, Frontbase, dBase, and IBM Db 2. As a result, you can easily tailor the database to the specific requirements of individual clients.

Adopt the LAMP Stack: You can still use the LAMP stack to create and deploy web applications. Linux, Apache Web Server, MySQL, and PHP comprise the LAMP stack. You can always combine PHP with a specific operating system, database, and webserver to optimize the development and deployment of web applications.

PHP is built on common programming languages such as C and C++. As a result, you can quickly and easily read, comprehend, and use the syntax of this server-side programming language. Additionally, you have the option of writing and using PHP code in a variety of ways. You can either inject the PHP code directly into the HTML code or combine it with different web frameworks. Additionally, you might consider executing PHP code through a command-line interface.

Numerous Frameworks and Libraries: By using PHP, you can greatly reduce coding time by using a variety of open-source frameworks and libraries. You can choose from a variety of PHP frameworks depending on the requirements of your project, including Laravel, CakePHP, Yii, CodeIgniter, Phalcon, and Symfony. Similarly, by using widely used PHP libraries such as Hoa, Mink, Faker, Geocoder, Requests, and Ratchet, you can easily extend the functionality of the web application without writing lengthy and complex code.

PHP is distributed under an open-source license in its most recent version. As a result, you can use all components of the common server-side programming language for free. Thus, PHP enables you to rapidly develop a variety of websites and web applications while incurring lower project costs.

PHP is supported by a broad and active community of programmers. The group is comprised of programmers from a variety of regions and with varying degrees of domain authority. You can always communicate with the active community via online forums and blogs in order to resolve new development issues. Additionally, you can stop writing additional code by using the broad community’s code snippets and libraries.

PHP 7.0.0, according to PHP web developers, is up to twice as fast as PHP 5.6. Additionally, it greatly improves the speed and efficiency of web applications by using less memory. Thus, you can always use PHP 7.0.0 to improve the speed, efficiency, and user experience of your website.

PHP’s Advantages

The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor has a range of advantages, which is why it is so widely used. Several of the benefits are discussed below.

PHP is a cross-platform technology. The significance of this is that you will not need to think about the operating system the user is using since the code will continue to run correctly and smoothly. Mac, Linux, and Windows are only a few of these platforms. As a result, you can use these platforms to write PHP code as well as access web pages, and run PHP-based applications. Additionally, PHP hosting providers for the server-side scripting language are readily available.

Integrated Database Link Module:

As a programming language that is often used on the Internet, one benefit that this form of programming language can have is the ability to link to a database. This is because databases are critical for a variety of website types, including e-commerce and a variety of other website types. PHP has a built-in module that makes it simple to link to a database. When developing a website that is data- or content-driven, databases will be commonly used. PHP is advantageous for managing these types of websites and also greatly reduces the time required to develop a web application.

Support for libraries is extensive:

Another benefit of using the PHP hypertext Preprocessor is the use of functional modules. The significance of the various modules is that they assist in simplifying our work. We do not have to start from scratch developing the modules, as they have already been developed. All that will be needed is to include the module and possibly modify it slightly. Among the modules available in PHP are Graphics and PDF.


PHP has been around for about 22 years. Throughout this time period, several developers have worked on the application to enhance its usability. Numerous bugs have been found over the years, and each bug has been quickly patched by the development team. As a result, the R programming language is extremely robust at the moment.