Adequate reasons not to use TypeScript


Everybody loves TypeScript. It “tackles” numerous issues JS has; it is a “superset” of JS, it will make your code more minor mistake inclined and charming to peruse. There are a ton of valid justifications to utilize TypeScript. However, I will give you genuinely valid justifications not to.

It is dangerous 

Goodness. How might it be dangerous if TypeScript adds type definitions and checks them at an order time? Just as IDE coordination will caution you about any kind of confuses? Precisely this. TypeScript will check types at accumulated time and sorts that are accessible. Any organization calls, framework libraries, stage explicit APIs, and non-composed outsider libraries cannot speak with TypeScript. As you become acclimated to having your sorts checked and not comprehending the code and the stage completely, mistakes and bugs will show themselves.

With JS, you make no suspicions about types, and you check the reliable estimation of the variable to ensure it is the thing that you anticipate that it should be. Or on the other hand, on the off chance that you couldn’t care less about its sort in this specific case, you don’t. In TS, you depend on the compiler to do it for you; however, it can, unfortunately, check a limited amount of a lot. You can consolidate the two different ways; however, what is the point at that point? Assuming you will invest energy composing definitions and invest time composing code to guarantee these definitions are kept up during runtime, why have them in any case?

It is chaotic 

Another mystery: the reverse engineering language that should carry clearness and intelligibility to the codebase clouds it all things considered. To show you what I mean, look at a portion of these models I found in well known open-source libraries:

This one is from the Redux library, and every one of these four lines does is allocate next reduced to the current reducer.

The next model is from the RxJS library. I don’t think about you; however, on the off chance that I need to battle an apparatus that should help me, I don’t think this is a decent instrument.

It doesn’t tackle the issue. 

TypeScript is said to tackle JavaScript’s issues. However, it doesn’t. Dynamic composing was never an issue in JavaScript. Yet, numerous other gotchas like NaN === NaN being bogus, semicolons being discretionary or not discretionary, a linebreak changing an item definition into a degree, syntactic sugar instead of OOP are without doubt issues. TypeScript never really settles them. However, it presents one more norm, further polarizing the JS people group.

Significantly, supposing that the absence of composing in JS is an issue, TS doesn’t tackle it. Do you realize what it does? Java, C, C# and other incorporated dialects. They can securely ensure solid composing at accumulated time and runtime. Deciphered dialects are not equipped for it. 

It’s anything but a superset; it is a subset. 

TypeScript is something that accumulates into JavaScript; it can’t be a superset by definition. It limits how you can manage JavaScript and darkens its solid sides while giving a phony genuine feeling of serenity. On the off chance that you genuinely need to be an incredible engineer, don’t make do with a soothing untruth and attempt to comprehend the genuine force of JavaScript and its adaptability.

It is open-source, yet that’s it. 

Numerous purposes behind utilizing TypeScript express that it is open-source. That is valid; the TS compiler is dispersed under MIT permit. In any case, it is as yet constrained by Microsoft, a goliath monopolistic enterprise, and its open-source headways are only an advertising move. Try not to mistake open-hotspot for popular government: Microsoft is still allowed to do anything you need with TS, and you are only here to watch. JS, then again, is represented by a worldwide advisory group and won’t transform anything without the local area’s endorsement.

However, enormous organizations use it…

I can’t accept that a few groups think about this as an explanation. Enormous organizations likewise use inheritance codebases, submit charge cheats and victimize ladies. Why, out of nowhere, them utilizing TypeScript as a genuine model?

Yet, it has more highlights…

Not any longer. When TS was first presented in 2012, Valid had highlights like classes, still not accessible in JS. However, JS had made considerable progress from that point forward, and now TS is battling to keep up. If anything is missing in JS, there is a babel module to do it.