6 Reasons Why iPhone App Owners Need to Upgrade their App to iOS 13


Day by day, technology is changing, and in order to sustain in this competitive market, it is essential for you to update yourself with it.

Also, in the case of any technology, maintenance is always better as compared to the repair. This clearly applies to iPhone app development; if you don’t stay up to date, then you might lose a huge customer base and become redundant.

But, if you choose to update your apps along with the technology, then you will be able to deliver a faster, improvised experience, and you will be able to engage more with your audience. Moreover, your current investment will help new users to discover your product. 

In September 2019, Apple officially released iOS13 for users worldwide. It now consists of essential features and capabilities that will be useful not only for users but also for businesses. 

If you are an app owner & confused about whether to upgrade your App to iOS13 or not, then here, we will provide some of the reasons why iPhone app owners should upgrade their apps to iOS 13.

Even though, iOS 13 was just released before 2 months, around 50% of iPhone devices are running on the iOS 13. Moreover, 41% of users are running on iOS 12; hence, they will undoubtedly update their device to iOS 13 in the near future.

From this, it is clear that this is just the beginning of iOS 13. The latest update is compatible with more than 15 Apple devices. Moreover, Apple’s devices are reaching a wide number of consumers and enterprise organizations. Therefore we can expect that iOS13’s market share will increase more in the near future.

Without much ado, let’s get started:

Here is the 6 Reasons Why iPhone App Owners Need to Upgrade their App to iOS 13

  • Dark Mode

With iOS 13, Apple has introduced a system-wide dark mode by which it will replace all the white background with the dark ones. This feature works system-wide, hence all the iOS screens such as Home screen, Notification Centre, Widget screen, etc. Moreover, it is now available in Apple’s native apps like messages, maps, notes, and safari. 

All the third-party developers have an option to include this feature into their existing App. This feature can be scheduled to turn on instantly at sunset or at a certain time. Here, a user likes dark mode in the evening; then they can opt for.

  • Great Performance Boost

The most fantastic thing that you will notice is that Apple has made significant enhancements and optimizations so that iOS runs faster on your iPhone. Apps will launch at 2x speed than ever before. 

Unlocking the phone with the help of Face ID has become 30% faster. Moreover, the field of view of the feature is now wider; hence, you can instantly unlock your iPhone when it’s kept on the desk, you don’t need to lift it up. 

Lastly, the method in which apps are stored on the app store has changed; downloads have become 50% smaller and update 60% quicker. Hence, take benefit of this feature and consider iPhone App Development as soon as possible.

  • Reminders Get a Revamp

Reminders have got a significant update in iOS 13. The latest version of the reminders App has an updated design organized into four sections: Today, Scheduled, All, & Flagged.

Reminders can now be organized using different customizable colors and icons. In every reminder entry, you can form extra nested reminders, and all the lists can be grouped together.

When you form a new Reminder, there’s a toolbar at the top which allows you to schedule specific times for the task, organized in a way to get a reminder in the car, when reaching office, or at any location, flag a reminder as essential hence it will appear in the Flagged list, or include a photo or document. 

  • Unique Siri Functionality

Siri Shortcuts was released in iOS 12, and it gets a performance improvement in iOS 13. The App has now enhanced to the next level, with proposed automation making it even simple to develop multi-step actions. Also, Siri’s voice is now modified. Earlier, it was supplied in pre-recorded snippets using an actor’s voice. 

With the help of the latest operating system, it utilizes Neural TTS (Text to Speech). This produces words and forms the spoken sentences on the go, making it more suitable to the ears.

  • Improved Camera and Photo app

Apple’s camera and photo app have got a lot of new updates in the iOS 13. Photos app now organizes your snaps in a more enhanced way. With the help of on-device machine learning, it presents the whole library to focus on the best images based on the particular day, month, or year. The same photos or any duplicates are hidden, and all the useless receipts and notices are ignored. 

A professional photographer knows how to light up a subject and this is now available in the camera app’s portrait lighting mode. In iOS 13, it is being improvised so that you can increase or decrease the light intensity, in the same way, a pro photographer does by moving lights away and towards the model.

Moreover, the latest High-Key Mono mode helps to give a beautiful, monochromatic look to all the photos.

  • Enhanced Privacy and Better Security

Various new privacy and security features are now available in iOS 13. Users with the latest update can turn on system-wide location tracking protection. You can also integrate this feature and give an app permission to consider location “just once.” Instead, if you allow an app always to utilize location, then iOS will now provide detailed reports of the activity.

Apple has also released “Sign in with Apple.” Using this feature, all iPhone users can access any apps and services without any option of tracking. Only Face ID and Touch ID can be considered to authenticate the sign in. 

Moreover, Apple can also generate a single-use randomized email address; therefore a user doesn’t need to reveal the original email address. 

So, these were some of the most important reasons for app owners to consider and begin iPhone app development to upgrade their App to iOS 13 as soon as possible.