Why is your website better than ANY sales person?


If you run a business in a competitive market (say, London for example), you’re going to need all the help you can get to keep yourself ahead of the competition. Local SEO in London is probably one of the most effective tools you can use to scale brand visibility, as well as profitability. Keep reading on to learn the tactics experts use today to keep them ahead of the pack. 

Not too long ago, whilst I was updating my LinkedIn profile, I received a message from a company that offered services that I was looking for. I guess I could’ve registered on their website, or filled-out a form somewhere. The message connected me with a sales team member, and we soon scheduled a zoom meeting for them to explain a bit more about what they do and what they offer. 

The following day, I got on a call with the sales representative in the hopes of finally getting what I’ve been looking for. However, the interaction didn’t quite pan-out the way I anticipated it to. It began pretty uneventfully, with the director introducing himself as Frank Collins, before going on to introduce his company. 

However, the minutes continued to roll on and his unceasing praises for his company and the undeniable superiority of the services it provides were echoed again and again, without a single pause for me to intervene and address some of my doubts and questions.    

Twenty two minutes of info-bombardment later, I was then asked a question. Not one that aimed at simplifying my life, or in any way contributed value to it, but a self-centred one filled with absolute disregard for the listener – ‘how would I like to pay?’

Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever spoken with a sales representative, or anyone for that matter, who had absolutely no regard for your objectives or desires? It is my personal belief that if a company has no interest in hearing my opinions and thoughts, then I have no interest in giving them my money! 

The same goes for websites… How, you ask? The ways in which we trade today has drastically changed over the last decade or so, with a huge chunk of trade now being conducted online.

Openly available data qualifies the looming threat for businesses that have yet to, or don’t plan to, embrace e-commerce. In the UK alone, 95% of the entire population uses the internet to search, source information, perform banking transactions, and make purchases. In 2019, the value of the British e-commerce market was estimated to be £693 billion. These figures clearly demonstrate that the consumer has moved on to virtual pastures, paving the way for businesses to follow them, or face oblivion.

Reaching digital customers means having a web presence where customers can interact with your company. Your company website is probably the most crucial digital investment that you can make. It represents your business, its values, its staff, and everything it has to offer. This is why we in the business regard websites as the only sales guy you’ll ever need!

Think about it; your website is your only employee that works 24/7, 365 days a year, without holidays, sick days, holidays, or the yearly plea for a pay increase. Your website is relentless when it comes to improving sales figures, conversion, and ultimately, the bottom line. 

However, a website can only perform as well as it’s been programmed to. A site that is designed with little consideration to its audience is destined to fail – very much like our friend Frank Collins! So let us review a few factors that make your star performer (your website) unlikeable:

It’s all about me! 

My experience with Frank Collins is repeated right across the world, every time they visit a website that is self-obsessed. I absolutely detest websites that rant on and on about their achievements and the accolades they’ve won, because in all honesty, the website can say anything you want it to say.

Customer and employee reviews play a crucial role in establishing credibility, and organisations that miss this key fact are bound to lose business.  

Poor user experience

Have you ever visited a website that bombarded you with content and offered no simple way to achieve the objective you were there for in the first place? Did you ever revisit that site, or recommended it to anyone? I highly doubt it!

Websites that offer poor navigation, content structure, aesthetics, and overall visual appeal are doomed. It takes visitors only about a second to decide if they’re going to stay, or leave. Within that second, their mind is registering the visual appeal of the website and will decide to leave if it doesn’t meet their approval. Bad design plays a leading role in the failure of a site, despite how good a product or service is

Not to worry though, it’s not all rain clouds and thunder – There is a silver lining to be had. Here are a few tips you need to implement to increase sales and brand visibility:

Giving users an enjoyable experience

A successful salesman tends to make everything about the customer. The same goes for your website. Offering your visitors a unique and smooth experience will ensure higher engagement and more referrals. 

Answer common questions

It makes no sense to have visitors scour the web for answers to questions they are bound to have. FAQ sections are often an efficient way to answer some of the more popular questions without having to get visitors connected to a sales rep. 

Providing useful resources

Videos, podcasts, or other material that aids customers are great ways to increase brand engagement and retention. The more they learn about your brand, the more invested they become. Offering resources to visitors that will continue to engage them, even after they leave your website, is an amazing way of keeping them hooked. 

Sharing issues the product fixes 

A great way to grab visitors attention is by sharing ways your products solve issues they may be facing. There isn’t a better way to relate to a customer. 

Utilise Social Proof

As mentioned above, user testimonials, customer reviews and other social proof from customers who have used your services or product is a fantastic way to build brand credibility. It definitely gathers more interest in comparison to self-glorification. 

Built for business

It is important to tweak, or create a website from a customer focused perspective. This means easy navigation, great visual appeal, no clutter, easy to follow navigation, and most importantly – uncomplicated purchasing options. 

Building a website that encourages business means removing every hurdle or obstacle that users may encounter when online. 

Local SEO

As I mentioned earlier, SEO and Local SEO services are extremely important for business success in a world as competitive as ours. For example – performing a simple search to find gyms near you will bring forth a list of a hundred gyms! In all likelihood, you’d only consider the first five on the list…

Getting to the top of the list is what local SEO can do for your business. Working with SEO champions like Web Choice is a key step to make on your way to digital success. For local SEO in London Web Choice are one of the UK’s most well respected SEO agencies, specialising in providing fully customised solutions that meet client’s precise needs. 

About the author:

Sam Dunning is the Sales Director and Co-Owner at WEB CHOICE, UK.

He hosts the weekly podcast “Business Growth Show” with business leaders, experts and entrepreneurs from across the globe.

You’ll learn actionable tips across marketing, sales and growth to help you skyrocket your business!


