Want Business Enhancement? Move to Private Cloud Hosting


Let’s go by the definition first, private cloud hosting is a type of cloud hosting where IT services like data storage, backup and security are all provided over a dedicated network. Private cloud hosting is a model that is based on PaaS (Power as a service) wherein the client has full access to the physical pool of computing resources via a virtualized environment. A private cloud is one where cloud computing resources are enclosed for the exclusive use of a particular organization.

Private cloud hosting is a paradigmatic service for a variety of organizations from the enterprise level to many government organizations with a very different set of purposes. The organization can choose the right kind of private cloud hosting service provider depending on some of the major factors like budget and how much internal expertise your organization holds. But either way, private cloud hosting will prove to be beneficial overall.

Some of the Major Benefits of a Private Cloud are-

Flexibility- A private cloud environment has the power to be designed in the exact way how the client requires.

Security/Privacy- Though many public cloud services have proved to be secure but yet they can’t reach the level of privacy and security a private cloud can provide.

Performance- When all the hardware resources are 100 per cent dedicated for your applications and projects then there is not the slightest instant of doubt on the performance.

Location of Data- Most of the public cloud hosting providers won’t reveal the physical location of the data being stored. But companies think that does it even matter. Certainly, it does, as they might be storing your data at a quite cheaper location and charging exorbitantly.

Increased Control and Reliability- The level of control a private cloud bestows can never be possible with other kinds of cloud hosting services.

With technology racing at such a pace, so are the cloud networks and thus private cloud hosting is becoming very natural and the very first step.

OpenStack Private Cloud

But most of the times maintaining in-house expertise happens to be costly, tiresome and comes with integration concerns. Therefore, a new technology “OpenStack Private Cloud” is getting popular. It is the example of a leading open-source private cloud environment that can be downloaded and installed for free. They are basically a perfect amalgamation of open source projects that use pooled virtual resources to build and manage public and private clouds. It began in 2010 as a joint project of Rackspace Hosting and NASA. As OpenStack is backed by one of the biggest software giants and communities, most of the people think and predict it to be the future of cloud computing.

OpenStack is open-source software that means that anyone who chooses can access and built code and hence modify anytime they think that any code can be made stronger. OpenStack has got this benefit of being so source free and thousands of developers work together with their own set of fresh ideas to develop more and more strong and robust code. Therefore, OpenStack is considered as a framework and not as a single gargantuan project.

OpenStack is the Cloud Environment

When it comes to cloud computing, the industry focuses majorly on three items “as a service”- software, platform, and infrastructure. OpenStack focuses on IaaS and makes it easy for other users to build an instance as easily as possible and quickly as well. Once the infrastructure is built, the developers are welcomed to create their software applications that are delivered to the end-users. Virtualization imbricates with private cloud in terms of capabilities. The structure reduces complexity in a hybrid cloud environment by simply cutting out the number of templates to be maintained. OpenStack searches companies that need flexible and dynamic platform and whose workload is the key strategy.

Hence there are no barriers to success while working on the OpenStack platform and everything is delivered in such a managed manner. The confidence is simultaneously backed up by thousands of OpenStack experts.

Here are Some of the Advantages of Adopting OpenStack Software-

Industry-leading Reliability- With OpenStack, there are no further worries about the construction of the cloud. It offers advanced monitoring, operational tooling with a 99.99 % API (Application Programming Interface) uptime guarantee.

Nonpareil Scalability- OpenStack is acclaimed for managing and scaling clouds for a few of the world’s largest and renowned companies. In nitty-gritty, no one else is comparable to OpenStack in terms of experience.

Lower Costs- without compromising with the quality of the service, OpenStack costs quite lower and saves a big amount of money. It saves your costs in the internal operating costs and reduces the platform costs by 60 %.

So what are you thinking further, OpenStack technology is the last resort for all your private cloud hosting requirements.