Using The Golden Ratio To Create Balance in Logo Design


A scale of proportions known as the “golden proportion” makes the excellent easy to generate and the bad difficult. Albrecht Einstein It appears that Einstein was correct. Although we doubt he had any knowledge of the internet, digital marketing, or logo design.

Now that we all know it, creating a logo requires a wide range of abilities, from aesthetic talent to in-depth knowledge of marketing concepts. Applying the golden ratio never fails when designers are looking for a framework that assures visual appeal, despite the fact that there are many guidelines and recommendations for creating interesting logos.

Yes. he same ratio that Einstein makes reference to has been incorporated into logo design, and the reasons are straightforward. Keep reading, and I’ll tell you why.

Designers aim to create a logo that arouses people’s inspiration and sparks their creativity. A logo’s purpose is to promote a brand, forge an identity, educate, and elicit an emotional reaction.

A cool logo design is crucial in luring clients and forging a distinctive company identity. A logo that is both visually beautiful and functional may be created by using the golden ratio.

The Golden Ratio: What Is It?

Although it has been applied in many professions by people who are not mathematicians, such as architects, painters, and designers, the golden ratio’s essential principles are mathematical.

The relationship between two quantities—two segments of a distance or space that satisfy a particular ratio—is expressed by the number 1.618 (rounded off). The ratio of a and b, if a line is split into two segments, a and b, must be equal to the ratio of a plus b to a.

It is an irrational number, just like Pi, and is expressed as 1:1618 in ratio form. A golden rectangle is one that was constructed using the golden ratio.

The “golden mean,” “golden number,” and even “divine proportion” are other names for this ratio that communicate its seeming perfection.

It is used in art and design to establish the ideal ratios between various components, producing a pleasing overall composition.

Why Does The Golden Ratio Look So Good?

Although there is little question that humans are drawn to the golden ratio, it is unclear exactly why it is so alluring to the human eye.

Nearly every aspect of nature exhibits the ratio, from the design of a snail’s shell to the placement of seeds in a flower. The proportion’s attractiveness and the reason why it appears so frequently in the natural world have no specific explanation. However, a professor at the Duke Pratt School of Engineering has hypothesized that it may be related to animals’ need to scan their environment as rapidly and effectively as possible in order to survive in the evolutionary process. Its aesthetic appeal may be due to the fact that using the golden ratio—and golden rectangle—is the most efficient method to scan one’s visual field.

How To Design A Logo Using The Golden Ratio

To employ the ratio in logo design, you don’t have to be an expert in mathematics.

But knowing how the golden ratio relates to the Fibonacci sequence might be useful when it comes to using it practically in art and design.

The Fibonacci sequence, which starts with zero and one and consists of numbers that are each equal to the sum of the two numbers before it, expresses a ratio that is, unsurprisingly, quite near to 1:1618.

The Fibonacci spiral, sometimes known as the “golden spiral,” has a seashell-like shape that is well-known among artists and designers for its potential to produce visually beautiful images. Many people in many different professions can utilize this tool. But designers, who desire nothing more than to capture their audience’s attention, should pay special attention to this.

Making a logo that clients adore may be made even simpler by utilizing the golden ratio and the Fibonacci sequence.

Typefaces and text

It’s simple to overlook that words and letters are a part of aesthetic attractiveness. If you’ve been following me for a long time, you know how intriguing I find the usage of typefaces to be.

Font style, color, and size all affect how we see a finished design.

The usage of the golden ratio and Fibonacci sequence in typography (the use of text in a design) is unquestionably beneficial.

You could use multiple font sizes for the brand name and tagline while creating a logo with a free logo maker. You may get the ideal contrast in terms of text size and layout by using the golden ratio.

If your slogan text is 10px, for instance, divide 10 by 1.618 to find the best font size for your company name. Through point size, cape height, and leading, you may more quietly incorporate the golden ratio into text.

Overall Design

We form first impressions quickly, and they matter. I’m talking about the first thirty seconds.

We are constantly inundated with information and businesses vying for attention in the realm of online marketing. People are more likely to be engaged by a logo’s initial impression, which heavily depends on design components like layout, color, and visuals.

Having strong focus points helps maintain viewer interest. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio may be used to design a logo using an online logo maker that complements a user’s natural visual processing.

Balancing an image

The golden ratio and the rule of thirds may be used to produce a well-balanced logo. The rule of thirds is well-known in photography.

Simply said, it implies that the best focal points may be found where the lines connect by splitting a canvas (or screen in this example) into three portions both vertically and horizontally.

A comparable framework is produced by using the Fibonacci spiral, which is a rough visual depiction of the golden ratio and guarantees that pictures are visually beautiful. All of these components are present in the Toyota emblem, which serves as a superb illustration of this.

Aim high

It should come as no surprise that some of the most known firms in the world have logos based on that design, including Twitter, Apple, BP, and Pepsi.

In logo design, ideas like the golden ratio may be quite helpful since they produce a finished product that is both universally appealing and incredibly memorable. And every designer, brand, and company wants that.

“Perfection is not beauty. True beauty is in the proportion. — Anastasia Soare