The Top 5 Advantages of Managed IT Support


The modern world relies heavily on technology to fuel productivity and growth. However, although new technologies offer opportunities for businesses, they also create some challenges. The rate of change in IT is extraordinary.

No longer can IT departments normalize on a single operating system, one or two computer models, and a shortlist of approved applications. While the introduction of mobile and cloud-based technologies have brought so much possibility, they have also introduced a huge number of platforms, devices, and apps for IT professionals to secure and manage.

For many businesses, these challenges add up to huge costs. Not only do they have the cost of purchasing the infrastructure needed for these new technologies, but they also have to hire and train qualified workers. They also have to ensure that their systems are kept up to date and remain secure.

Rather than struggle with this, many companies choose to turn to managed service providers for help. Here are some of the main reasons why businesses choose to outsource this work to IT support services:

1. Access to a Skilled Team of Experts

One of the main reasons why businesses choose to outsource their Managed IT Services to a company like Evolvtec is because it gives them instant access to a fully qualified and skilled IT team. These companies have employees ready to help businesses deal with any network issues they may have as well as things like software, telephony, cloud computing, hardware, consultancy, IT security and connectivity.

2. Control Costs

Outsourcing allows businesses to convert fixed IT expenses into flexibleexpenses. This means that businesses can budget more successfully as they only have to pay for services when they need them. Businesses can also save money on the hiring and training of IT staff if they choose to outsource this role. Training new and existing employees in new technology can be expensive. Outsourcing to a managed IT service allows you to focus your human resources where you need them most.

3. Increase Competitiveness and Efficiency

Research has shown that businesses who try and handle all of their IT services in-house are much more likely to spend extra time on things like research, development, and implementation. All of these things can increase costswhich are ultimately passed onto your customers. Outsourcing this work allows you to save time and money in this process, meaning you can keep the cost of products or services at a more competitive rate.

4. Allows You to Focus on Other Things

Businesses have limited resources, which is why it’s important to consider outsourcing less important roles. Outsourcing work allows you to focus on more important tasks instead of getting distracted by complex IT decisions.

5. Peace of Mind Regarding Security

Although many business professionals believe that outsourcing work decreases your level of data security, it is often much safer. Managed IT services follow stringent data management and safety regulations which are designed to offer robust recovery and back-up systems. This means that compared to an in-house IT team, managed IT support services are more likely to be able to protect your private and important data.

The benefits of managed IT support services are clear, so it is no wonder that they have increased in popularity over the past few years. If we take a look at some of the statistics, in 2014, only 30% of businesses used managed services, but by 2015 this figure had doubled. Andthis figure continues to increase each year. In fact, in2020, almost 80% of U.S. businesses chose to use a managed IT support service.