Significance of Videos in Marketing


Although videos were always prevalent, it has particularly increased after the pandemic. When everything shifted online, marketing also had to. As the in-person meetings became a gone thing during the pandemic, businesses resorted to other ways of delivering visuals.

Accelerate your sales cycle with personalised video content because visuals can convey things way better. Leverage videos to gain traction and close those deals now. If you are wondering how videos have become a crowd-pleaser.

Get this – Videos can bring forth your story more creatively. Besides, visual memory is way better than auditory. Furthermore, you can hop onto trends and amplify engagement.

This article highlights why videos are vital to up your marketing game. Read on to find out more.

Why Are Videos Better for Marketing?

Sure, billboards and statics are good but have you seen the engagement on reels and Youtube videos? They are ruling the social media game, and it is for all the right reasons. Here are some reasons why visual marketing is a winner.

Relatable and Retainable

Do you remember the last college lecture from your college days? Of course not. Okay, some might, but you do remember the story of the movie you saw years back, right? Visual memories last far more than others.

Did you know that 80% of people will prefer watching a video, whereas only 20% read the text when given a choice? Videos are more relatable, fun to watch, and definitely more compelling. The only condition is your video has to be relevant and ideally in line with your services. This way, you will attract the right group of audience.

Make them exciting, add music, text, images. Try to gain the most in a lesser duration. Serve the right things.

Touch the Emotional Nerve

Not recommending you to play around with emotions to market your products, but you can definitely humanize your content a tad bit. Doing so would help you connect with your audiences. Watching an emotional scene can make you teary-eyed way faster than reading one.

Get this – Nobody likes machines and computers when it comes to emotions. Besides, don’t make the audience feel like you have an emotional range of a teaspoon.

Humanize content, bring out stories, drop the curtain, spotlight the real issues and then the solutions. Accelerate your sales cycle with personalized video content because nothing can communicate a story better than videos peppered with a bit of advertisement and relevant strategies.

Brand Identity

Brand identity is the soul of marketing. So, yes, if your strategies cannot spotlight your brand’s identity, you might want to consider tweaks. Decent brand identity ensures an increased number of clients and profits, but how can you attain it?

The answer is high-quality visual marketing. It is high time you advanced your content game, both in terms of written and visual content. Maintain fluency and connect your ideas with the brand’s motto and targets.

For instance, using an entirely different color scheme in the videos can hamper the brand’s face. Stick to a color palette and layer your brand around it.

Wrapping Up

Video content is a market winner, period. If your brand is still not leveraging visual marketing’s popularity and benefits, you are missing out on the finest marketing medium.

Modern-day businesses are acknowledging demographics, metrics and engagement way more sincerely. In turn, the diligence is amplifying their brands to unparalleled heights.