How to Set Up a Remote Team for Your Start-Up


Are you getting ready to launch a business but you’re not keen on creating a physical office environment? Leasing, renting, or buying office space is a huge expense. It’s not just the cost of the property; there is also the overhead that goes along with it. For start-ups on a lean budget, this can be enough to put them over the edge and cause severe financial hardship. Thankfully, remote taskforces are becoming more and more common, with business owners and employees alike discovering the many benefits it offers.

Here’s a look at how you can set up a remote team for your start-up so you don’t have to worry about securing office space and the costs that go along with it.

What Jobs Do You Need to Fill?

Just as you would approach the recruitment and hiring phase carefully if you had a physical office space, the same needs to be said when building a remote team. You need to start by determining how many employees you need to hire and for what position. The clearer you can be about their tasks and responsibilities, the easier it will be to find the right people.

There will be a lot riding on the shoulders of your employees, as they will be a big part of whether or not your start-up succeeds. Looking for staff who have knowledge, training, and experience should all be priorities.

When creating the job postings, make sure to point out that it is a remote position so that only those who are open to remote work apply.

There needs to be Clear Guidelines for Staff

Once you have staff in place, it’s important to set forth clear guidelines and expectations. Just because you aren’t working with them in person doesn’t mean your expectations are less. Discuss what you expect in terms of work hours, availability to have video or phone meetings, what needs to be completed daily/weekly, how you will connect should they have issues, and so forth.

Will You Track Work Hours?

This is also a good time to think about time tracking. Some employers choose to use a time tracking tool with their remote force, whereas others take a more flexible approach. You can always choose one option and change your mind down the road if you don’t find it’s working for you.

Who Will Supply the Office Equipment?

Then there is the question of office equipment, which can include a desktop/laptop, printer, fax machine, smartphone, and so forth. There needs to be a clear conversation during the hiring process so that both parties know who will be supplying the equipment. If you will be supplying them with all the tech needed, you need to discuss what happens with those items should they quit or be let go. Business owners often find it wise to supply the equipment, so that everyone has a level playing field and all employees have access to the technology and software needed to do the job.

Hosted Desktops Offer a Streamlined and Simple Solution

One of the most important things to consider when setting up a remote workforce is how the staff will access information and data. How will you ensure that employees have the information and files they need no matter where they are working from, creating a smooth and obstacle-free work environment?

A hosted desktop is something that Evolvit specialises in and can be a very effective solution for remote workforces. A hosted desktop means employees can work from any location as long as they have a computer and internet access. It opens the door to productivity, efficiency, and flexibility. Be sure to pick a remote desktop service that works with various operating platforms – smartphones, tablets, Mac, and Windows – to ensure all employees will have access.

Another great feature about hosted desktops is that you often can scale up, meaning as your business grows and its needs change, the hosted desktop can keep up and offer new features and functions. It’s also important to look for one that features data restoration and data backup for peace of mind and security.

Make Sure Remote Workers Feel Like a Team

The final tip is to ensure that even though your workers are all remote, everyone feels part of a team. This helps to create a more positive work environment; it opens the lines of communication and helps to create productive relationships.

By taking the time to set up your remote workforce with careful consideration and the support needed, you’ll be ensuring that the company can reap the benefits in the months and years to come.