How to Protect Your Startup from Cyber Attacks


No matter what kind of startup you plan on launching, if there is anything you need to be aware of, it’s understanding what cyber-attacks are and how they can devastate your business. Small companies in particular are heavily targeted, which is why you need to be on your guard and implement safety measures and tools to keep sensitive data private and confidential. To help, here are some steps you can take today to protect your startup from hackers.

Educate Your Team

If you have a team behind you to launch your startup, you must ensure they’re trained and ready to perform their job without any worry of data being put in the wrong hands. Whether it’s learning how to identify a suspicious phone call, or using a strong password, you need to trust your employees and their judgments, otherwise, one slight mistake could have disastrous consequences for your business. From the offset, make sure you have a strong policy that outlines the best cybersecurity practices that your team can adhere to. 

Perform Regular Audits

While there is always a possibility of a cyber-attack, regardless of how many measures you put in place, regularly reviewing, and assessing the cyber protection you have in place can significantly reduce your risk of hackers accessing your data. Performing regular audits will ensure the system you have works correctly, as well as giving you the opportunity to identify any weaknesses that need to be addressed. Any software you use must be kept updated to the latest version, especially as old apps are vulnerable to attacks that can steal your information and penetrate your network.  

24/7 Monitoring

A cyber-attack can happen at any time of day or night. Therefore, having round-the-clock monitoring in place will ensure you stay constantly vigilant and know what steps to take before the attack causes extensive damage to your startup. There is specialist software that can keep you updated on data anomalies or suspicious user activity that could signal a cyber-attack is looming. 

Beware of Phishing

When running a business, you will need to use email to converse with employees, clients, and stakeholders. Like you would with your personal email, you need to be aware of spam and know how to differentiate between legitimate and deceptive emails. Phishing is incredibly common, with 85% of all businesses being hit by a phishing attack, which is why you should consider using an automated phishing defense platform that can protect you from hackers who pose as trusted contacts. 

Change Passwords Regularly

Whether it’s your personal or work accounts, you must get into the habit of regularly changing your passwords. Although it may seem like a hassle, you should never be complacent with your passwords, especially when you factor in how common it is for cybercriminals to gain access. There are lots of tips to help you create a strong password, such as using a mixture of numbers and letters.

If you’re about to launch your first business, the experience is daunting enough without the worry of hackers gaining access to your data. Therefore, knowing what precautionary measures to take will add an extra layer of protection to your startup and ensure your operation stays on track.