Writing is expressing our views on a topic. It is an art that is used in almost all sectors of life. One has to write from sending a text to a friend to writing an essay in an exam. To effectively do it, one should have a strong knowledge of vocabulary and grammar. The absence of these can turn writing into a challenge. Many students at the learning stage struggle with it. Writing is linked to critical thinking, and it is an essential part of students. In this fast-paced competition, students should be good writers. If you also have a kid in your family who needs to improve their written English, you can grab tips from this article and help them.
- Working On Vocabulary
Learning grammar is not the first thing one should when it comes to learning a language. The utmost skill required to sharpen the English proficiency of your kid is expanding their vocabulary. Not only would they be able to recognize new words, but also use them in the right way. An excellent active vocabulary can help them write expressive sentences and stand out from the rest.
Pro tip: when you teach them a new word, ensure that you teach all forms of the word and the related prepositions. For example, say you will teach them ‘ want,’ note all associated stories: wanted, want to, enjoying, the want for, want of.
- Mastering The Art of English Spelling
Without correct spellings, students can’t score well in their examinations. Also, incorrect spellings can sometimes change the meaning of the sentence. One widespread spelling mistake is ‘accept, expect, except.’
So, working on spelling is essential. There are many resources available online that help to expand our knowledge and make learning a fun activity. One of the most interesting is spellquiz.com.
It is an online platform designed for K-12 students to prepare for Spelling Bee competitions. It provided state-of-the-art online spelling tests containing advanced spelling quizzes and word games. If you are struggling to teach your ward spelling, try dictation words for class 3 available here. You would never regret it.
- Encourage Reading
Good writers are good readers. The more a child reads, the better writer he can be. Reading gives a lot of chances to get explored to new words. A reader can learn the best words to be used in a particular context. When your kid finds some story very interesting and wants to read it later, you can bookmark the page so that the child can access it later without any issues. It also schools us on how to make sentence structures effectively. If you want your kid to flex his writing muscles, bring reading habits into their life. Learning spelling for grade 3 or more would become a lot easier.
- Help them At the beginning of A Write-Up
Ask them to come up with creative ideas about the topic to be written. If you see them befuddling, ask them some thought-provoking questions. For that, you have to enlist all the ideas that would be easier for your grade 3 kid.
- Editing Is the Key
Don’t pressurize them by saying, “It should be your perfect copy.” Give them time to learn sentence framing techniques. Instead, please encourage them to revise the written sentences. Re-shape them in a better form. Thoughts and ideas can always become better with editing.
- Applause
Observing your third-grader having a growing interest in writing and reading? Appreciate it. Even if they write something not so sensible, never mock them. Otherwise, the adverse effects may fade that passion away for a lifetime. Always try to push them towards going one level up. Help them in practicing. Make that required environment for them at home so that they can think and bring on creativity.
- Using Technology
Hundreds of books are there on the internet that can elevate your kids’ writing skills. The best thing is that many of them have interactive features like voice recording, animations, etc. Help them find the best ones as per their interest.
- Introduce Them To Non-Fiction Books
Your third-grader should have non-fiction books on his reading list. It can be related to plants, how machines operate, animals, dinosaurs, and many more.
- Your Efforts Matter
One tip that goes unsaid is keeping a dictionary and thesaurus accessible to them. Also, in the internet age, your child’s laptop should have some good knowledgeable sites bookmarked. Whenever you see them fighting with a new word, please encourage them to consult the handy references you have kept in your home. If you also like reading, find some words for them and teach them how to use a dictionary and thesaurus.
1o. Best use of Free Time
While waiting for your turn in the park, or driving a car, introduce them to the magic of language. Play word games with them. Use letters from nearby billboards and play some exciting games.