How Expensive Are the Top Web Development Companies?


When looking for someone to build your website, you probably have one big question on your mind. ‘Can I get a high quality website for an affordable price?” Well, let’s take a look at just how expensive the top web development companies are.

Average Price of A Web Developer

Web developer’s typically charge you by the hour instead of by the month or by the project. On average, they are going to cost you about $75 an hour. Depending on the size and difficulty of your site, this can result in anywhere between $5,000 and $10,000 for a single site. Don’t forget about the occasional hidden fees thrown in there too.

A More Affordable Option

If you’re a small business and can’t come up with the money to pay for one of these expensive companies but would still like a high-quality site built for you, there is a way. A company known as Atavion has developed a software that allows them to cut down on costs while still building a professional, high-functioning website like other web developers do.

They have no hidden fees associated with updates or changes. Once you sign up, they go to work right away to start building your website and allow you to cancel your subscription at any time.

What About Website Builders?

You may start to consider website builders as an option after seeing the average price of a web developer. Afterall, prices of website builders range from free to $500 a month. Most being around $20 a month though.

However, those cheap prices come with a cheap website that will not perform well for you. The money you save by going for a cheap option will not account for the money you will lose from missing out on potential clients.

Sticking With A Website Developer

At the end of the day, a website developer will be worth every penny. Maybe not the super expensive ones, but most will. They will provide you with a customizable, versatile website that will not only help your business grow, but also scale with it. Just make sure you choose one that will give you the best bang for your buck.