4 Ways to Enjoy Lag-Free Gaming When Sharing Wi-Fi Network


How do you enjoy online gaming without interruption when the rest of the family is binge-watching Netflix? The connection problem is a common issue when multiple devices are sharing the home network. 

Here we have a list of solutions that you can try so that the game-streaming session is not disrupted next time! 

Most of the game streaming services now require a lot of high-speed data to work properly. Even if a reliable internet connection had not been an issue in the past, sharing the home network amidst quarantine in 2020 is bound to create some problems especially for gamers. 

We have you covered!

There are a few tricks you can use to manage streams and keep everyone connected and happy. You can also use these techniques for smoother streaming on platforms such as Netflix. 

  1. Prioritize Devices On Your Network

Most of the routers now come with the ability to prioritize certain devices. This is a helpful feature as you use it to set your device as the preferred one when the game is being affected by minor glitches. 

The prioritization option may be given at different places depending on the router. Typically, you can access it by providing the device’s IP address on the web browser and then signing in. The features can be found in the advanced settings in the network’s administrator interface. 

When the device is prioritized it will get a fast lane through the WiFi network. This means that even if multiple devices are connected to the same router, yours will be preferred over others. This, however, does not mean other devices will get slower immediately. 

  1. Manage Router’s Channel and Frequency

Are you still looking around the WiFi settings for device prioritization? Now is a good time to check out its channels and frequency as well. For help, you choose the best router we compared Netgear vs Linksys router list for you. 

Modern routers can broadcast on the faster 5 GHz range providing a better speed gain. They also come with preset channels that help to avoid overlapping with nearby networks. This is often done automatically by the router which connects you to the channel with the least traffic. However, you will need to do it manually if you own an older router. 

  1. Limit Streaming Quality

You can also choose to limit streaming quality when playing games. Some of the good video-streaming platforms can use as much as 10-20 GB data/hour. This kind of usage can be pretty heavy especially if you want to use the same network for online gaming. I was sometimes also facing streaming sports channels. One time I was watching fs1 live stream on Hulu live & experienced buffering issues as well. By changing router the speed overall improved pretty well. I would definitely recommend the same for everyone. 

The individual options for limiting streaming quality vary across services but all of them give a rough estimate of how much data you will be using in an hour. For example, on Stadia you can limit the quality to as low as 720p that will only consume 4.5 GB/hour. 

  1. Run a Check On Your Equipment 

Although this is not a problem with most modern setups, some older equipment can have interference issues. You can check the internet speed to be sure. If you are not getting the service as good as you expected then it is better to check every link in the network. Simply put, even if you get really good speed from your ISP, it would not matter if your router is not capable of reaching that level.

 Some older wireless routers can be pretty slow. It is common for them to have interference issues that can limit speed. In this case, using a range extender can be helpful as it covers any dead zones and provides better coverage throughout the house. 

Hopefully, a combination of these tricks would help you enjoy lag-free gaming next time. Try them out and share your experience with us in the comment section below. Good Luck!