Download Discord On Windows 10


Your group of friends has planned an evening to dedicate to video games in multiplayer mode and they told you about a program called Discord, which is very useful for communicating in groups and coordinating while playing, but you have not understood much of what they have you. said and would like to know just how to start using this software and know if it is available for your windows 10?

 If this is the situation you are in, then I inform you that you have just found the guide that is right for you on how to boost your discord server. In the course of this tutorial, I will explain how to download Discord on PC. This handy free program will help you keep in touch with people you can’t see live and provides you with various types of chat, from classic text to voice and video. In the guide I will show you how to install the program on Windows, macOS and Linux.

You must know that the software guarantees users excellent communication stability and very low latency and these characteristics make it ideal for videogame use. Then? What do you think about it? Would you like to try Discord yourself and see if this application works as well as they say? Well, then take a few minutes of free time, make yourself comfortable and carefully follow the instructions I will give you in the next chapters.

Minimum Requirements

Before explaining specifically how to download Discord on PC, it is better that you briefly talk about the minimum requirements that the developers have indicated on the official website of the program, so as to be sure that, once downloaded, it will work at its best and smoothly.

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Operating System: Windows 7 or higher, macOS 10.10 or higher.

I also inform you that Discord can also be used directly from the browser without the need to download anything. Here are the requirements.

Browser: Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge v17 or higher (including Chromium Edge v79 or higher on Windows and macOS), Opera, Safari 11 or higher.

This is all that the developers have stated on their program’s website. It goes without saying that Discord is extremely accessible and you will almost certainly be able to use it on your PC too. However, I invite you to take a look at the official support page, since the list of minimum requirements is regularly updated.

Clearly, in order for everything to work well you will also need a stable Internet connection (better if wired, then via Ethernet cable) and fast. As for Linux, the developers have not yet provided an official version, but a provisional version compatible with Debian, Ubuntu and Mint is still available, I’ll tell you about it in the last chapter of this guide.

Finally, I would like to point out that Discord is also available for devices based on Android (also downloadable on alternative stores for devices without Play Store) and iOS / iPadOS. If you intend to install Discord on a smartphone or tablet you will need to make sure that these are at least updated to Android 5 (Lollipop). If, on the other hand, you want to install the app on an iPhone or iPad, the operating system must be at least iOS 10.0.Finally, if you have a PS4 console and would like to know how to install Discord on it, you can read this guide that I have dedicated to the subject.

How to download Discord on PC

Having made all the necessary clarifications of the case, I would go to the point and start immediately showing you how to download Discord on a windows 10 on which the Windows operating system “runs”. First of all, connect to the official website of the program with any browser and press the Download button for Windows. Once the download is complete, open the DiscordSetup.exe file and answer Yes to the User Account Control prompt.

At this point, the program will automatically start downloading updates, after which the window with the filling in fields will open where you can login. To create an account, click on the sign Register located at the bottom. Enter, then, in the appropriate fields, an email address to which you can have access, a username, a password and your date of birth, then check the item I accept the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy of Discord and hit the Continue button.

You will then have access to the program interface, from which you can add new users to connect with by simply clicking on the Add friend item at the top. Before you can start using the program, however, you need to log into the email account associated with the email address you provided and search for an email from Discord (also check your Junk and Spam folders if you don’t find it immediately) .

Once you have found it, open it and click on the Verify e-mail button contained within it. Invoice Once this is done, your account will be active and you can take full advantage of the program. By clicking on the Add friend item, entering the name of the person you want to add and clicking on the Send friend request button you can add your friends immediately.

Then you can start contacting your friends by clicking on the Friends item and clicking on the name of the person you want to talk to. Once you have clicked on the name you can decide whether to start a text, voice or video chat by pressing the associated button. For complete details on how Discord works, I refer you to the official program guide.

How to download Discord on Mac

Do you have a Mac? Very well, then I’ll explain immediately how to download Discord on macOS: don’t worry, it’s a really simple operation. First of all, with any browser, open the official website of the program in question.

Then go to the Mac item and press the Download button. Once the download is complete, open the Discord.dmg file and, once the upload is complete, drag the Discord icon to the Applications folder. Once the copying process is complete, open the Applications folder and launch Discord (or alternatively select its icon from the Launchpad or search for Discord in Spotlight).

At that point, the program will start installing a series of updates automatically and, at the end of the process, you will be able to access its interface. Once the Discord interface is displayed, you must enter, in the appropriate fields, an email address to which you have access, a username, a password and your date of birth; finally, you must check the I accept the Terms of Service and Discord Privacy Policy option and press the Continue button. From here on, I refer you to the previous chapter for the next steps, since the procedure is the same as in the Windows version.

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How to download Discord on Linux

I mentioned to you in the minimum requirements chapter that a working version of Discord is also available for Linux. So let’s see how to proceed also on the “penguin” operating system, to be exact on Ubuntu (one of the most popular distros).

From the Activity bar of your Desktop click on the Ubuntu software icon (it has the shape of an orange shopping bag), then click on the magnifying glass icon located at the top left, type Discord in the compilation field and press the button Enter.

From the list that appears, click on the Discord item (it is one of the first results of the search), then click on the Install button; enter your PC password and press the Authenticate button. Excellent, at this point the installation will begin.

At the end of the process, to find Discord, simply click on the Show Applications item in the Activity bar of your Desktop, scroll through the pages and select the Discord icon (or type Discord in the search field and press the Enter key).

Once you have found the icon, open the program and it will automatically start installing the latest updates. For the next steps, I refer you to the chapter on Windows, since the operation of the program is exactly the same also for the Linux version.