Do you have a kidney infection?


Your renal system can become infected by bacteria, leading to infections therein, and that is not even the scary part.

The more concerning issue is that this infection can spread from one organ to the other. Them more common type of renal infection is UTI, or urinary tract infection, but the bacteria can also attack the bladder or the kidneys.

Telling these infections apart is not always easy. There is an overlap of symptoms, however, the gravity of the situation is contingent on the organ affected.

Kidney infections, also known as pyelonephritis, merit an urgent visit to the urologist in Karachi, whereas UTIs can be managed with antibiotics and home remedies.

Symptoms of kidney infection

Understanding if the symptoms that you are experiencing are pertaining to kidney infection is key. Signs that are associated with this type of infection include:

Urination: Naturally, since the renal system is involved, the process of urination also comes under the knife. Kidney infection leads to frequent and often painful urination. The urine volume is generally less.

Urine color also tends to be darker. Cloudy urine is also a sign of infection. Similarly, there can also be blood in the urine. The smell is also foul.

Pain: You may also experience pain that runs down your back, around the place where your kidneys are located. There may also be pain at the sides or the groin region.

Other symptoms: Miscellaneous signs of infection also tend to follow, including fever, chills, nausea or even vomiting as well.

Difference between UTI and kidney infection

Due to the similarity of the symptoms, distinguishing between UTIs and kidney infection can be harder. However, when it comes to UTI, there is generally no fever, chills, vomiting, nausea, and the signature pain in the back.

However, both infections share symptoms that pertain to urination, including abdominal pain.

Furthermore, the infections are also caused due to same bacteria, mostly, E. coli. UTIs occur due to various reasons and the kidney infection occurs when the UTI is not responded to in time. Although rarely, kidney infection can also be an unfortunate side-effect of surgery, in which bacteria then enters the blood.

Risk factors for kidney infection

Age: Older people have a higher risk of kidney infection, on account of the changes in the body.

Catheter: Using catheter puts you at risk of urinary tract infection.

Gender: Women are more likely to get kidney infection, since the size of their urethra is shorter, and due to the proximity of urethra to the anus. It allows for the bacteria to enter the body quickly, and hence spread to the rest of the body.

Poor immunity and diseases: Having a weak immune system also puts you at risk of infections. Similarly, having diabetes, HIV, and similar diseases can lead to kidney infection as well.

Menopause: Not only women, but menopausal women have a higher chance of getting UTIs, due to vaginal dryness, and the subsequent irritation.

Urinary problems: Having urinary problems otherwise like enlarged prostate gland, kidney stones, nerve damage, vesicoureteral reflux can also increase the risk of infection. Likewise, if there is a blockage in the urinary tract, it also increases the risk.

Treating kidney infection

Treating kidney infection, when caught in time, is not very challenging. It involves using antibiotics instead. However, for people with severe infection and deteriorating condition, antibiotics are usually given via IV, and they thus need to be hospitalized. In very rare cases, some patients might need surgery for treating the infection.

Preventing kidney infection

It is entirely possible that you can lower the risk of kidney infection. In this endeavor, drink plenty of water so that bacteria are flushed out. Similarly, have good bathroom habits. Pee after sex, and don’t use scented products in the vaginal region. If you suspect a case of UTI, visit your urologist in Lahore immediately.