Top Reasons Why Full-Stack Developers Will Be In Demand In 2020


What is a Full-Stack Developer?

Popularly knows as the jack-of-all-trades, Full-stack developers are engineers who look at the following three aspects of development;

  • Front-end: This includes the study of skills such as JQuery, HTML, Javascript, etc., to create a presentation layer for the user that will enhance the UX.
  • Back-end: Just as the front-end is the presentation layer, the back-end is known as the logic layer of the application. A developer must possess the knowledge of Python, PHP, Java, etc.
  • Database: This layer takes care of all the database needs of the application, such as creation, manipulation, deletion of the data. A developer must be adept with Oracle, SQL, MySQL, etc.

To put it in simple terms, a Full-Stack developer is fluent with the client-side and server-side programming. For that, they must learn the following stacks, amongst others;

  • MEAN Stack
  • LAMP Stack
  • MERN Stack

Just as a front-end developer is well-versed with creating a beautiful user-interface, a back-end developer understands how the software interacts with the server – a full-stack developer takes care of both the areas, effortlessly.

Now that we have understood what a full-stack developer is, we’ll look at the reasons for a booming demand for these developers over the other kind.

Why Are Full-Stack Developers In Demand In 2020?

A full-stack developer is a multifaceted engineer that works equivalent to a team of three to four people. Now, if you were a rational businessman trying to find your money’s worth, then you’d choose to employ a full-stack developer over any other. Since full-stack developers require a lot of skills and hands-on knowledge, it takes time for them to reach that pedestal. But once they do, they are given a tag of a jack-of-all-trades and chased after by various multi-nationals. Let’s look at the reasons for an expedited demand of full-stack developers in 2020.

1) Full-Stack developers are multi-talented and versatile.

We understand that the world is constantly changing, and to be able to adapt to that change and succeed in your professional life – it is a challenge. We see start-ups emerging by the hour, businesses taking over new projects and inaugurating different divisions, and so much more. A full-stack developer allows the companies to invest in one person and reap the benefits of many. And if you’re a start-up, looking to hire a full-stack developer, you’re already in the right direction.

Here are a few skills that a full-stack developer must possess to bag a great package;

  • Flexibility: Since you’ll need to shift from being a front-end developer to a back-end and over again, you’ll need to imbibe flexibility as a skill.
  • Analytical Skill: This allows you to look at the little details without missing out too much.
  • Patience: Everything revolves around being patient while developing software since you’re working as much as a team of 3-4 people would.
  • Creativity and a Zea for Learning: As a full-stack developer, you must be aware of the new updates and versions of the software. You must be open to learning new technology and apply your creativity when needed.

2) Business Arena Prefers A Generalist

So to say, full-stack developers are generalists that cater to multiple development related needs. Let’s take an example of a start-up that wants to hire a full-stack developer. Their vision is to invest in that one person who will be able to meet their requirements. Now, as the company grows, the developer grows with them in their skill. It could mean that they may have to specialize in a particular area at a later stage.

It seems judicious to begin your career as a generalist than a specialist because it allows you to experiment with different areas. Companies look for such kind of talent because they want somebody who possesses the knowledge and is easy mould according to their requirements.

3) Attractive Pay

Now, if you possess a plethora of skills, which is a summation of the skills of two or more people, then you’ve got to be paid well. Full-stack developers encash an average pay-cheque of 6 Lakhs per annum. It is because of their hands-on experience with a lot of layers of development. There is a division of the salaries they encash, depending on their place of employment.

Not only do these engineers work with different layers of development, but they are also responsible for handling the end-client, which is very prestigious and risky. And because of this, they are handsomely rewarded every month in terms of their salary packages.

4) Mushrooming Opportunities

Technology is a part of every industry now, and this has created great opportunities in the entire world. Be it start-ups, multinationals, or medium scaled companies – full-stack developers will find their place in any verticals of the industry.

Being a full-stack developer brings you a lot of opportunities in each field, and each arena wants to hire a generalist for their development needs.

Another added skill of being a full-stack developer is that it expands your thinking capacity to think like a manager and solve problems in an analytical and agile manner.

5) Depth Of Knowledge

Full-stack developers will have an upper-hand over the other kind of developers because of the depth of knowledge that they possess in each area. Be it front-end, back-end, or database layering – a full-stack developer is in sync with the technological changes taking place in each sphere of the IT industry. And this automatically gives them an advantage over the other developers when it comes to hiring.

To put it in simple terms, companies look for candidates who know about the basics of each area and can implement them when needed. Their knowledge about a particular area is a secret weapon that is available at their disposal.


Opportunities for full-stack developers are at the top. Each company wishes to hire a full-stack developer for their developmental needs. The current shift in the curve, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, suggests that the demand will escalate even further. It is because of the financial injury caused to various industries and how they’ll want to cope with them by reducing their team-size.

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